#86 エイティシックス


86 (anime) Vignette (1 of ?)

86 (anime) Vignette

Set during episode 23, after the point in time when Shin, Raiden, Theo, Korena, and Anju learn who the “foreign officer” is – and agree to work with Lena.

“I know you don’t understand, Ernst.” Raiden shoved his hands in his pockets and leaned against the doorframe of the older man’s study. “But, I came to remind you: this is our choice.”

A long pause. A stillness that wasn’t waiting.…

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I’ve been doing weekly sketch pieces to get back in practice on some stuff, so this week’s prompt was for Vladilena Milizé from 86.

As per usual, I’m unfamiliar with the character (and series), but I admittedly did a bit more work on this one than my usual prompts. I guess messing up the inks and having to take them digital got to me…

Anyways, I enjoyed how this piece came out so I figured I’d share it. Feel free to share any thoughts on it though :)
