#a bit of everything



Witch Tips 21

1.Schedule your spells

I’ve mentioned before that it’s very helpful to keep a pocket day planner in your grimoire or with it. You don’t have to have one, but if you choose to then it’s a great place to implement this tip. Some spells take multiple days to do, you want to make sure you’ll be able to do it each day. Some spells have to be done in certain moon phases, so be sure to schedule those around in the correct times. Not to mention days, hours, zodiac signs, etc can also have an impact on when you need to perform a spell. Scheduling it helps keep you organized and helps you to remember to do the ones with specific time requirements.

2.Trance gifs can help with meditation

Sometimes it’s really hard to get into a trance when you need to for a spell or when you’re meditating. Find a nice, calming and serene trance GIF to help you get in the zone. Make sure it matches the mood you’re going for.

Bonus:You can find ones with colors that correspond with the spell you’re doing.

3.Sigils don’t have to only effect you

You can create and activate sigils for a multitude of reasons. I mostly see witches use them for their own needs, which of course is 1000% fine, but it’s not the only choice. Put a good luck sigil on the sidewalk so everyone walking over it charges it and benefits from it. Put protection sigils in the dirt around forests to help keep them safe. Draw sigils on or under desks at school to help other people succeed in their exams. You can use your magick to make the world a little bit better.

4.Center yourself after grounding

While not entirely necessary, many witches find it greatly beneficial to center themselves after ground. Centering can realign your emotional waves and connect your body back into itself. This can be as simple as doing some grounding yoga and then meditating afterwards, that’s my preferred method.

5.Make protection amulets out of your protective weapons

I don’t mean to jump from a peaceful, mindful practice right into stabbing bitches, but sometimes that’s just the way it goes. Unfortunately, some of the people in this world can have terrible intentions. If you’re in a place where you feel like you need to carry a knife, pepper spray, knitting needles, etc to protect yourself, take it a step further by charming those objects. Put charms on them to repel ill intentions. Put wards on them to repel negative energy. Protect yourself. I care about your safety and well being.

6.Get some gloves for handling cursed objects

Whether you’re cursing the objects yourself or trying to break the curse that’s already placed on them, you’re going to want some gloves. These can be special gloves you use just for handling cursed objects, or the gloves you use to wash dishes. Either way, be sure to cleanse them with sage smoke or crystals afterwards. You don’t want the negative energy being absorbed into your body. And while sometimes you have to touch things to find out if they’re cursed, it’s still a good idea to put the gloves on afterwards if you continue to work with the object.

7.Be sure the crystal jewelry you wear is water safe

I don’t know if this comes from the fact that I live in a rainy state or because I always forget to take my jewelry off before I shower, but water safe crystals in your jewelry is a must. You wash your hands all the time, you don’t want to accidentally damage your crystal rings. You could get caught in the rain, or sweat a bunch, or jump in a snowbank, or get splashed by a wave, or forget to take them off before a shower or bath. Make sure the crystals you wear on your body are going to be safe with your lifestyle.

8.Bring your grimoire to the library and have a wonderful adventure

Libraries are so much fun!! No one cares if you just sit there for hours and hours and no one is going to bug you about writing notes. They exist for a reason. Who cares if it’s not university that you’re studying for, no ones even going to look twice. Grab as many witchcraft books as you want and write down anything you need in your grimoire. Your BOS is essentially made for this. It’s so nice and peaceful, enjoy.

9.Tips for drying your own herbs

It’s wonderful if you’re able to grow your own herbs! Make sure when you’re drying them for spell work, you’re giving them the best treatment.

  • Dark areas work best
  • It must be a dry location or else you risk molding or spoiling the herbs
  • Hang them upside down with all leaves facing the same direction
  • Placing them in a breathable or holey paper bag can help catch anything that may fall off due to breakage and help you keep the area clean
  • Different herbs take different amounts of time to dry. Check on them often to see if they’re ready.

10.Before casting a spell or making a potion ask yourself, “Why?”

I’ve talked a lot before about the importance of clarifying intentions and having a clear head when doing magick. But this time, I’d like to talk about something else that loosely relates to the same topic. I recently saw a potion recipe that was supposed to get rid of scars and my first thought was, “But scars are so cool…” And then I read a little further and saw that it was also supposed to help fade moles and freckles and that really got me thinking. I have two little moles on my neck that look like a vampire bite. I used to hate them because I was taught that moles are ugly, but overtime I learned to actually really like them and genuinely think that they’re cute. Looking at that potion recipe, I began to feel empathy for the people who may see that and write it down and begin the process of ridding their skin of these little “imperfections.” And if you take anything from this tip, I want it to be this: Before doing anything that will effect your body, ask yourself why you’re doing it. Even things you do outside of magical practices. Ask yourself why. And if the answer isn’t overwhelmingly positive, then maybe reconsider what sort of spell or potion you really need to do. Do you need to vanish your scars, or do you need to feel better about your body? Maybe there are other things that will be more effective in aiding you. Just something to consider. I care about your wellbeing and I don’t want anyone to be mean to you, especially not yourself.

Thanks so much for reading my latest #10tips. As always, please send an ask my way whenever you want to say hi or ask me some questions. I’m here to help! Have a magickal day.

People started to paint/draw/doodle everyday and I want to be part of this madness. I’m joining the People started to paint/draw/doodle everyday and I want to be part of this madness. I’m joining the People started to paint/draw/doodle everyday and I want to be part of this madness. I’m joining the People started to paint/draw/doodle everyday and I want to be part of this madness. I’m joining the People started to paint/draw/doodle everyday and I want to be part of this madness. I’m joining the

People started to paint/draw/doodle everyday and I want to be part of this madness. I’m joining the “Sketch-a-Day” or “365 days of art” challenge a bit late but better now than never. :) These are my first five! So far so good. Let’s see how many days I can do.

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