#a dealer not a death eater



Evening, my friends :)

  1. Rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated.
  2. If I do die, I am definitely getting you lot to write my eulogy.  (In all seriousness, I was in a very bad place a few weeks ago and your messages meant the world to me.)
  3. I am still not well enough to return, but Dealer lives loudly in my head so I thought it was time I shared some of it with you all again.
  4. On an ‘I am still not well enough’ note, I am afraid that I am not well enough to go through all of the hassle of formatting the fic for Tumblr.  Apologies, as I know some of you read on here rather than on AO3.
  5. If you do want to read, you can find the latest chapter at:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/14046060/chapters/79181110

Hope you’re all doing well; I miss you all.

It’s been bothering me that I don’t have a Dealer update to share.

Since the last update in September, I have been either: working, unwell, exhausted - or some combination thereof.

I wanted to post and say, “Ok, the next update will be by x date,” - but I’ve not felt great over the last 48 hours and it’s made me realise that at the moment, I really need to rest at weekends.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I haven’t forgotten the story or dropped it. I am still writing Dealer; it lives loudly in my mind and I think about it every day, and I can’t wait to share it all with you.

But I’ve realised there’s no point in me pushing through being ill to churn out a couple of chapters, and then being unwell again for weeks on end.

Equally, having written 700k and having put so much effort into it, there’s no point in me half-arsing a few chapters just to meet some arbitrary deadline. I’m sure you’d rather it was ‘good’ as opposed to 'quick’.

Deep down, I know the answer is for me to get this illness more under control (and I have been working hard on that) - and then the rest will fall into place. So, Dealer will be back, but not just yet. I wanted to tell you so I stopped worrying about not updating.

If you want to be notified, then subscribe to the story on AO3; the next chapter will drop right into your inbox when I’m a bit better.

A Sunday update.  On an actual Sunday, and not the early hours of Monday. 


It was meant to be two chapters.  It ended up as one.  Get a cup of tea or something; there’s a billion flashbacks, so it’ll take a while to read.  

Hope you enjoy it. 

Archived on AO3 at:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/14046060/chapters/81094900

This follows on with the same themes from the last chapter, so if you click through, pleased read and heed the warnings in the chapter notes.

Sorry it wasn’t posted sooner; I was busy experiencing the English national pastime of losing at the football.
