#a fistful of ed


Edd and Eddy wander back into the Kanker’s room taunting them. Okay, Edd is really tracking down his inner rebel today. He really wants the Kankers out of his life. 

Does anyone feel that this is out of character or the true character that he is repressing? Edd was obviously a very different person when we first met him in season 1. He was forced to grow up for the sake of his parents. He wants to be a kid for his friend’s sake but then he wants his parents to think of him as a grown-up and forget about the incident.

Right when Ed walks into the room, Lee slams the door, ensnaring them in a trap. Time for a little revenge.

I like Eddy grasping his face in fright.

“Uh, oh. Looks like we’re trapped. Prisoners of love.”

I love Lee. She is never afraid to be herself. 

What are you looking at, Edd?

Now, something seems strange.

Eddy steps his friends aside. He is going to take this one.

This is one of my favorite screenshots. And it describes how Ed and Edd are viewed from Eddy’s perspective and fans. While Eddy does view Ed and Edd as his closest friends they are his lackeys. Ed and Edd always look to Eddy for his opinion. That’s what Eddy has been doing since season 1. 

Fans have deciphered whether Eddy would have been better off without Ed and Edd, especially how they immaturely act at the part in Pop Goes the Ed. They mean more to Eddy because Ed and Edd understand him.

Eddy tries to entice Lee. Lee acts along with the charade begging for Eddy to leave them alone.

I honestly think that Eddy and Lee could make good friends in the future. They have similar personality treats and they are both the leaders of their groups. 

“Glick! Glick!” (I think this is what Ed says)

He’s noting to Eddy that he is doing a good job. Ed relies on Eddy. Since he is the only person that he can look up to, Ed has always looked up to Eddy getting his social cues from him.

I love how Ed has his arm around Edd. Out of context, it looks like they are out on a date somewhere. Or they’re taking a picture together!

Just then May drags Ed over to her hiding spot. Now it is her turn.

“Oops, you found me! Don’t come any closer!”

“You are a sneaky bunny!”

This has become a pet name with Ed and May in my fics about them. They would make a cute couple!

But then, May turns on Ed, pulling him behind the curtains and doing away with him! Alert, Ed yells out, ‘Holy Schmoly!’

Edd is the only one left. What happened? Edd rips through the pages of his psych book trying to find the answers. You can’t believe everything from a book, Edd. 

I notice that Edd starts to go more by his own instincts instead of source material from books. That’s because he is experiencing more of the world. Edd has basically been a prisoner to his own room. Because of being inside, Edd lost his ability to interact with the world. He learned that there is so much more, even paying attention to Eddy’s instincts. 

“Don’t kiss me, Double D!” Marie begs. 

“They’ve turned the tables on us, Eddy! It’s a reverse-reverse psychology!!” 

Good expression, Edd!

Now the Kankers have the Eds trapped going to kiss them. Now, they have the upper hand again. Though, they didn’t seem to understand what was going on at first and were very scared, cowering for their lives. 

I don’t like how fans blame everything on Eddy. He didn’t want to be a part of the plan in the first place! Edd should have just let him be. Would the plan have worked either way? That is up in the air. 

The Kanker’s motivations change in later seasons. It’s not until Eddy stands up to their ruthless behavior in A Fistful of Ed when they start to mellow down. It was also a wake-up call. 

And that was A Twist of Ed!

I am planning to analyze Every Which Way but Ed next. It is one of my favorite season 5 episodes! Again, sorry that I have not been active much. I work some nights at my theater job and I have been busy watching movies at night. I write a lot of movie reviews! For anyone curious, I very much recommend Vocal.media. It is a great site for writers and you can write about anything!
