#a healthy breakfast



Pairing: Ethan x MC (what is happening???)

Word count:  1400ish

A/N: I’m a Raf girl but when I saw that amazing NSFW art by @ethansdique I decided to write this incredibly explicit fic. I am so sorry Tumblr is censoring you and I hope this cheers you up! Seeing as I’m breaking all the rules, it’s not proofed or checked. It’s been pumped out fast and dirty – just the way Ethan likes it! For the MC I’ve used the one depicted in @ethansdique’s art (because mine is remarkably faithful to Raf).

A Healthy Breakfast

“Don’t you look nice today?” the matronly nurse says to Casey.

Ethan frowns, keeping his eyes focused on the clipboard in front of him. He hates the gossipy atmosphere around the nurses station; a hub of whispers and wasted time when there are patients everybody should be focusing on instead.

Casey thanks the nurse politely, but that doesn’t deter her. “Doesn’t Dr. Valentine look lovely, Dr. Ramsey?”

He sighs. As much as he’d like to, he can’t ignore the incessant prattle so he sweeps his eyes from the shiny tops of Casey’s leather pumps, across her suit-skirt and pleated blouse, to her beautiful face, blushing under his scrutiny.

“If that skirt were any higher we could all see what you had for breakfast,” he snaps, ignoring the gasps around him as he turns on his heel.

Keep reading

Reblogging this with the actual NSFW drawing and a pic of Jesus. In case the “virgins” of Tumblr report this, they’d be reporting Jesus himself. Oh and censored the boobs with tumblr so Tumblr would yeet themselves when they take it down.

The fic is *Chef’s kiss*, I’m here for this.
