#a joke






every time someone disparagingly calls vns powerpoints, I get one step closer to posting “fpses aren’t really games, you’re literally just mousing over and clicking on the enemies” and walking straight into hell

Don’t remember who this was but my favorite description of FPSes was “a point and click adventure where the only puzzle is use gun on man”

That was from the Zero Punctuation review of Team Fortress 2, about Sniper

and he’s still right in the year of our lord 2022

gearlic:90% of my writing experience is doing this


90% of my writing experience is doing this

Post link


i DISTINCTLY remember when youtube was new bc i have this memory of my dad calling me in while i was playing outside to show me a video of a whale shark (favorite animal at the time), and telling me like “this is a website where people can share any video they want!”. and it felt so exciting and wonderful at the time. years later, “youtuber” would become the mark of the beast,


Mutuals do this


I think that the Hamiltonmusical is objectively the funniest thing that could happen to that man’s memory. Imagine dying of a gunshot wound infection in 1804 and learning from the afterlife that tweenage girls in 2017 are drawing thousands upon thousands of images of you making out with your fellow congressmen because someone wrote a 2-hour rap opera about you. I like to imagine that Hamilton found a monkey’s paw and wished to leave a legacy, and this is what it did to him.


this is the funniest fucking billboard possible. who the fuck paid for this


apologist? not necessarily. explainer? perhaps. understander? intimately. enjoyer? greatly. sexualizer? frequently,


Don’t care + didn’t ask + I’m biting you + I’m biting you + I’m biting you + I’m biting you + I’m biting you + I’m biting you + I’m biting you + I’m biting you + I’m biting you + I’m biting you + I’m biting you + I’m biting you + I’m biting you + I’m biting you


doesn’t post in years






Ladies, are we fatigued this evening? Are we tired

We sleepy sis

Exhausted even

Based on the notes on this post, the situation is worse than I thought


The fact that Twitter allows porn but not public death threats and tumblr allows public death threats but not porn is objectively funny and the fact that a large portion of us chose the latter over the former is objectively funnier


it’s really really funny that so many of the mp100 villains stop being villains and most of them arent like “wow. i have been cruel and evil i must Atone For My Sins” and instead they’re like “oh. this is stupid. this is just really stupid. i am acting like a clown. i need to get my GED and stop behaving like i’m 13”


jrpg fans be like it gets really good 30 hours in. and mmo fans be like it gets really good 9000 hours in . and hamburger fans be like, it gets good at the first bite


And all of this hype for SWIFTIE merch LMAO you have to laugh
