#a little bit of late night philosophy for you there

Historically, the ocean has always been used as a metaphor for the subconscious, for the sea of thou

Historically, the ocean has always been used as a metaphor for the subconscious, for the sea of thoughts and repressions that are always bubbling below the surface, a vastly unmapped and unknown space where all our innermost thoughts and neurosis glided ominously like colossal squid and mighty whales. 

It’s that repression that characterises it, that so much is under the surface, in a position where it’s not shown, and it’s actively hidden from everyone above sea-level. That means most of you is never known, kept away from those you interact with, for fear of what they might think, or just to keep your secrets safe. It’s understandable. Hell, I do it more than most, I’d wager.

But I think D/s is a way of wading out of that great unknown, and riding the tide in to shore. It’s a place where you don't need to be safe and secret, because we create an environment where everything is permitted, because it’s so fundamentally based on honesty and trust. We’re already at the outer fringes of both society and sexuality, that pretty much anything can at the very least be talked about. We’re free of society’s shackles, living Rousseau’s ideals, which is incredibly liberating. And while we still have to struggle with certain hangups and neurosis, there is so much less that is left unsaid, and repressed. 

Thoughts always find a way, in the end. The squid will always rise to the surface and gobble up a galleon, if you push it down hard enough. It’s better to bring it to land yourself, and show it to the world. Show them that it’s nothing to be afraid of, and that really, it’s rather beautiful, in its own way.  

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