#a new chapter



Greetings from Lake Ontario

Enoch intends to send all seven members of the team through the monolith to the future, but Jemma gets left behind. A season 5 AU.

Chapter 9: Prophecy Girl

A summary: I made @beth-is-rainpaint cry, as is the goal when writing a gift for someone who has been nothing but lovely to me

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A New Chapter.  Microsoft Paint.It’s been a handful of months since I last posted!  Life has been fuA New Chapter.  Microsoft Paint.It’s been a handful of months since I last posted!  Life has been fu

A New Chapter.  Microsoft Paint.

It’s been a handful of months since I last posted!  Life has been full of a wide variety of changes that have kept me from drawing (or at least posting drawings).

One significant change is that I’ve gotten married. :) 

I’m still reeling at the wonder of being the wife to someone so kind and wonderful, and I’m still getting used to describing myself as someone’s wife.  In the meantime, here’s a drawing to celebrate this transition.

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