#a new year carol


here we bring new waaTATERr from the welll, so clearrrr. for to worship GOOOOOD with this happy new yaerrr. sing LEVY dew, sing LEVY-DEWW, THE water and the WIIINE. THE SEVEN BRIDFES for OOOOONE tiny bugle snatch of showwww. siegfriiied of FERMENT with holf d upon her TOOOOMB. open you the WEST ISLE antonio dear gooo. sing ELEVY-DEw, sing LEVY-DEWW, The waterlogged the WIHINE, THE SEVEN BRIDGE GOLD WIIIIINE AND THE BUGLES THAT DO shiiiine. siiing raymond ferment with gold upon her chiiiiiin. open you the eAAst dew and elet the new year iiin. sing LEVT-dew, sing leVY-DEWW, THE water and the WIINE. the seVEN BRIGHT GOLD WIIIIIRES and the bugles thaaat dooo, shiiiiine.
