#a note from me


Hey guys. It’s me. The woman who hasn’t posted anything for ages although she has requests sitting in her drafts.

Some of you may have noticed it says “HIATUS” on my profile right now, and I just thought I would explain.

I’ve been really busy in terms of work (my actual job plus interviews for other things - starting a volunteering role in my local library soon), presentations (I have to present my dissertation to a bunch of new students at my old university, why the hell did I sign up to that) and writing stuff other than fics (I got an offer of an actual agent, like what).

There’s also been some shitty family stuff going on to which I’m like Merry Fucking Christmas.

I am aiming to write and post when I can, so that dreaded H word is there as a caution that (as I can imagine you guys have figured out) it’s going to take a while for your requests to be fulfilled and what not.

I’m still here to talk and answer questions and all that, of course!

Thanks for your understanding, and all your support!

Lots of love xx

P.S. I just did the Year in Review thing and apparently my most popular post this year was Surprises so thank you!
