#a noteguk



[ ! ] this is a bad influencedrabble

summary; in which Jungkook convinces you to drink for the first time.

contents and warnings; basically nothing, just alcohol, tipsy talks, spilling a bit too much about personal stuff, badboy!jk x goodgirl!reader


author’s note; there was literally no way I wouldn’t write this scene after I mentioned it in bad reputation. Enjoy. (Also, timeline: before winter break) 

“I feel like I’m going to puke.”

Jungkook was sitting close to you, with his back against the seat and your legs over his thighs, his hands mindlessly roaming over them. At your words, however, his movements stopped and his eyes snapped at your direction. “You’ve been saying that for the past thirty minutes. If you’re gonna do it, stop blue balling me and do it.” He pointed behind your shoulder, where the coldness of the night blew. “The window is already open. Just puke outside the car.” 

You rolled your eyes at his words, throwing your head back. You didn’t know if you were drunk, you really didn’t have anything to compare it to, but you were positive that all that cheap alcohol was corroding your insides. “I don’t think I’m going to, I just feel like I will. I’m nauseous,” you explained. Way to spend one of the last weeks of the semester. “It’s all your fault. I told you I never had alcohol before.”

Keep reading

Ahhh I truly love these moments with them. To see how understanding Jungkook is, showing there’s more to meet the eye warms my heart. I’m not sure if that made sense but yeah lol. Nerd alert: when they were talking about not wanting to do something even if they were already doing it, or planning to, can be explained by a communication theory! It’s called the psychological reactance theory. You may have heard of it before bc the examples you gave were spot-on c:
