#a purrfect gift


A purrfect gift

P a r t 1 / ?

FULL HD pages on my DeviantArt

Star helps Jackie find a home for a super rare black and white kitty.

The 2nd story. At first I wasn’t sure about doing this comic but I really wanted to do something about my precious Jackie (not just a short appearance like in the episode Britta’s Tacos) and I thought it’d be good for my weak heart and for you to do something nice, cute, fluffy and sweet (kind of) before the chaos begins and we all cry.

First of all I wanna tell you that Chloe isn’t gonna be in this universe, because of 2 reasons, I didn’t want to make ‘em break up eventually cause y'know Jarco is canon here, I’m a weak creature, aandd bc if she’d be here the story I planned for this comic couldn’t happen… butterfly effect uwur. But I really love 'em together and I’ll make them canon in another kind of au owo.

As Jackie loves cats I thought it wouldn’t be crazy that Star got Mr. Panda pants from her, aaaaand I was always wondering how I was going to make Tom and Jackie meet, bc they’re my babies I wanted it to be special, not some casual occasion like “ooh yes this is my friend Jackie” y'know xD

Well they don’t meet here actually but I connected some things to make that happen, the kitty and Starship are the key.
