


Tagged by @kittynomsdeplume@raflesia65@starsandskies@noire-pandora@a11sha11fade@fiannans for a WIP share! I’ve been working on a prompt for Cullen and Lyd that has my attention alongside a commission, but I also decided to work on my Leon and Ada fic a little today! here’s a snippet. They’re still on their honeymoon in Paris <3

“Subway smells like piss. Smells that way anywhere though.”

He leans back in his chair. “Guess I can see why people got so inspired here. God knows people are lacking it these days.”

“Anna May Wong.”

Leon’s brow furrows. as Ada sips her Cabernet, the dark red as dark as her dress and as dark as her lips as Leon watches. “An actress,” she says. “Old Hollywood. Silent era and a little after.”  

“Your name,” he says, realization dawning. “I see.”

“My mother’s inspiration. She became mine. Took her name because it sounded similar. And why not.”

“What’s your real name then?”

“Ada, or ardor. Mom called me that too.” 

tagging: anyone who would like to participate!



I was tired today after work and didn’t get too much done–but here’s a bit from my next chapter of IWD, the penultimate one. (Unless I decide this doesn’t work in which case this will probably be a one shot lol)

tagged by @morganlefaye79@kittynomsdeplume@isk4649@a11sha11fade@fiannans@noire-pandora

          They told her they waited for her. She didn’t know what that meant.

           “We waited for you,” Papa said, holding her in his arms before bed, rocking her to sleep. She didn’t like to go back to sleep right after a nightmare. Papa or Mumma usually picked her up and rocked her until she was back to sleep. She liked to hear stories. One night Papa told her about a hole in the sky, a girl with a mark on her hand. “Would you believe,” he said, soft, “that it was Mumma?”


tagbacks for all and tagging @fiadhaisteach @jellysharkbat@roguelioness 


When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love!

I was hoping to be tagged in this, not only because I get to share buried work I still love, but I also get to reflect on some of my favorite stuff. Decided to only include finished works, though of course you don’t have to. 

1. In Waking Dreams. (Dragon Age: Cullen and Inquisitor. Rated E for some scenes, but the full fic can probably get away with an M.)

Of course this had to be on the list! The first half, chapters 1-50, are some of the first things I posted on A03. While I am extremely proud of the story I always knew I wanted to continue it someday, and ended up writing it most of last year and into this year. Chapters 51-100 is where you can really see my growth and Cullen and Lydia’s growth as well. Started this thing in undergrad, finished it up when I was done with grad school <3 Learned a lot about writing and myself during this. 

2..The Sweetest Sorrow (RDR2: Arthur and Charlotte. Rated M.)

I think on a technical level this is the best story I’ve written because the plot is clear, there’s a clear through line, and the plot doesn’t meander. To this day I think fondly about the vibes of this fic, and shit do I love this and I need to write more Arlotte.

3.Only Lovers (Resident Evil: Leon and Ada. Rated E.)

More vibes I’m really fond of! As a backstory: during the dog days of the pandemic I played Resident Evil 2, Remake, and fell back in love with one of my first gaming ships, Leon and Ada. Decided to write this in tribute, and I am currently working on a longer fic as well. I don’t often write relationships like this, so it was fun!

4.56 Kisses for Him (Mirror Visitor, Thorn and Ophelia. Rated E)

The Mirror Visitor is a series I read last year that I wish more people were into and a series I think should be made into an animated series. National treasure of France and of my heart, Thorn and Ophelia are the king and queen, so of course I had to write about what happened in the fade to black in book 3. Really proud of this because as a commentor actually told me, it sounded like it was a page directly from the book. Now I need to download to audiobook I think so I can listen to the series again <3

5.Love Song on Sapphire Isle (GOT/ASOIAF, Jaime and Brienne. Rated E)

Almost didn’t include this because I am very aware the plot meandered. In fact, one unhelpful commentor suggested I cut about five chapters and start over. (I remember this was the first thing I read after I got back on land from a cruise. What a welcome home right?) Well, I didn’t do that and decided to challenge myself to move forward and finish, and for that I am very proud. I do think there is some beautiful imagery and language in this fic however, and even in a small way I’m glad I alleviated some of that post GOT’s ending pain for us JB/Braime fans.

tagging@galadrieljones@thevikingwoman@dismalzelenka@fiannans@starsandskies@noire-pandora@queen-kass-the-writer@hollyand-writes and anyone else!


thanks for the tag @fiannans@thedastrashand@starsandskies@knuttydrawsand@noire-pandora <3 It seems I only have time for short writing spurts lately. Been a busy week, been working non stop preparing for an interview, but I did manage to get this for a prompt I have in my box <3 

Lydia is a celebration. As he dances, or tries to anyway, he finds her his own brand of intoxication. How does she know he loves the way the little whisps of her hair hit her shoulder? How does she know he loves it when she pushes her hair away from her face, revealing that small and tantalizing widow’s peak at the top of her forehead that’s almost a crown? Her sleeves fall off her tanned shoulders, her embroidered corset cinching in. He gulps at the valley, sighs at the closeness of her. She doesn’t take proper form anymore as more couples and some singles scurry to the floor to dance, pressing them in. Lydia pulls him closer, too concerned with him than proper form. He’s always more concerned with her than proper form.

before this I had a line about her “sticking to him like honey” and I really liked the imagery, lol. 

