#a softer longmire


gif version of a softer world panel 1000

credits:template|original comic|original remix

{oh, dear. i’ve learned a new skill and now i can’t seem to stop. this image is too large for tumblr (both in terms of size and dimension) so you’ll need to click on it in order to see the full, non-blurry version.}

this post is the final one in the queue and means my little project is done. watching the number of queued posts slowly dwindle over the last couple of months has been bittersweet. i would’ve loved to have created more but it seems that 307 is the limit of my creativity.

if anyone’s interested, i’d be happy to make remixes on request (even if i’ve already remixed the particular comic). just send me an ask with the following info:

  1. the number of the original comic
  2. the episode number (or title)
  3. the page number where the caps are located at cap that (link in the sidebar if you need it)
  4. the image number(s)
  5. a brief description of what you’re after (e.g. POV character)

as an example, to create this remix i’d need:

  1. comic 1127
  2. episode 5x09
  3. page 3
  4. caps 0271-0293
  5. ruby talking to vic

because of the size constraints and the three-panel format, not all caps are suitable to use, so it’s best if you can select a scene/range of caps rather than individual images. (seriously, i had to scrap so many attempts along the way because the caps i chose just didn’t work.) however, if there’s a particular cap you really want, i’ll do my best with it.

please note—
i’ll work with any pairing, character(s), and subject matter except:dead animals,donna, and anything derogatory about vic.(and possibly other things i haven’t thought of, but we’ll navigate those waters if we come to them.)
