#a tragedy

nemesisdivina86:Vaslav Nijinsky performing  “L'Après-midi d'un Faune"  Artwork by Barbier “Nijinemesisdivina86:Vaslav Nijinsky performing  “L'Après-midi d'un Faune"  Artwork by Barbier “Nijinemesisdivina86:Vaslav Nijinsky performing  “L'Après-midi d'un Faune"  Artwork by Barbier “Nijinemesisdivina86:Vaslav Nijinsky performing  “L'Après-midi d'un Faune"  Artwork by Barbier “Niji


Vaslav Nijinsky performing  “L'Après-midi d'un Faune" 

 Artwork by Barbier “Nijinsky as Faun”


Post link

I was gonna change my URL and stuff again for April fools like I did last year but I’ve been so busy with coursework today didn’t get round to it :’(


can’t believe the only tongue in my mouth is mine


being in small fandoms really is like *some of the most creative, visually stunning fanart you’ve seen* (41 notes)

Closing up my Askbox because uhhhhh,,,,, thats a Lot for me 2 handle & is a bit overwhelming.

Tbh even 20 would be a lot to handle,,,,

Pls friends am having broken-computer-cant-update-my-instagram-up-to-speed/date-with-tumblr hiatus life

Also I cannot access my side pages (aka my FAQ or Waitlist) from mobile so I’m stuck

Please forgive me children, EGG which is Me&LONGFURBY HERSELF love you




I will NEVER see a prehistoric dinosaur

I will NEVER see an anomalocaris. I will NEVER hold a trilobite. I will NEVER see a dimetrodon or an eight foot long millipede. and I will NEVER see a pterosaur

Well as much as it pains me to say it they died

I’m eating pineapple pieces and all I can think about is how no one’s around right now to taste how sweet I am. 
