#aa i am so happy
















i’ll probably edit it at some point BUT

I’m putting an 18+ warning mdi although i don’t say anything that graphic

Yes to everything

Not much of an age gap when you’re almost 28 and he’s 32, tho

Tagging:@cheese-ception@luzda@lorei-writesand whoever wants to do this

oh, oops, they know…

tho honestly, everybody knows, eheheh

not afraid of Chevvy McChevface though


I… I don’t know how to feel about this. Honestly, I know this is supposed to be a fun game, but well, I don’t think I’ll ever choose something like Nokto in real life. I like inexperienced guys, with whom I would like to share my firsts with, but hey, I guess it wouldn’t hurt to be with someone like Nokto. But I’ll probably be very insecure in that relationship. Tagging: @mcofthemansion,@zahrabasiriand@@kissmetwicekissmedeadly

Thank you for tagging me!

Yesss! Realistically he would be the one (and only) person I will get along with too so I’m satisfied.

Tagging:@ikesenfangirl@mysticnastya@mysticmyth@andou and anybody else who wants to!

Thanks for the tag Zahra!

I think this is very accurate, I occasionally prank people too so it would be fun to have a boyfriend to help me

Tagging:@pirochii@thewitchofbooks and anyone that wants to do this

Thank you for the tag @mysticmyth!

It was very fun! These were my results:

The last comment in the results made me laugh

Tagging:@chaosangel767,@queen-dahlia and anyome who wants to take the quiz!

Thank you for tagging me @thewitchofbooks!

Here’s mine

Not bad, Leon is kind and cool

Tagging : @fluffyneko@kissmetwicekissmedeadly@atulier-mururun@chaosangel767@aquagirl1978@i-am-totally-a-weirdo@maria-chwan@otome-reblogs@yukina-otome and everyone who wants to join!

Big surprise there

Tagging:@violettduchess@ikehoe@atelier-maroron@rhodolitesrose@randonauticrap@kissmetwicekissmedeadly@chaosangel767@redheadkittys@queengiuliettafirstlady@citizensofcradle@devildomwritersposts and anyone else who wants to play

@aquagirl1978 your guy is always by your side…but i think mine is really a surprise …

…i tag: @violettduchess@pn3um6@pon-ee@citizensofcradle@rhodolitesrose@cyncallenreese@xsagaralisa and everyone who wants to do this…

Thank you for taggin sweety@redheadkittys

i got the the cinnamon bean⬇️

i’m taggin @lxvescramble@silverheart1123@angelicapocalypse@annicaax@hakuoyuki@unadulteratedstrawberrylove & anyone who wanna do this :D

Okay, I don’t play this game, but I still wanted to do the tag anyway~ Thanks for tagging me @xsagaralisa ❤️ I got the same person as you!!

I will tag: @lxvescramble@lys-lilac@eikouxd@neerons@sia00612@lin-ful@rihaeisuke

@silverheart1123 ty once again for the tag ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Ok my result

Omo this 99% correct….

Ok tagging : @icansmellsouls@eisukevint@eikouxd@rihaeisuke@cupidocherie and anyone whose willing to join in ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Ok no one tagged me so I will do this myself because I want to

Yes! Words cannot describe how much I love this man! ❤️ He’s swept me off my feet since day one, and I could die happy if I ever got to be with someone as amazing as him!

Anyone who sees this on their dashboard can join!
