


truly am in aot hell lately. desperately trying to finish at least the writetober prompt, i’m but my father’s son, loceit smut, & commissions before i throw myself fully into this new hyperfixation

i am no longer doing the write-tober prompt lmao

screaming crying what is that video asdfghjk

Shit! I have creative block!!! * frustration bunny noises *


If you didn’t simp for Annabeth growing up, I expect a 10 page essay explaining why.

oumiyuki: kiose: So, I started reading @oumiyuki ‘s ChikaYou Mermaid AU and before I could stop myseoumiyuki: kiose: So, I started reading @oumiyuki ‘s ChikaYou Mermaid AU and before I could stop myse



So, I started reading @oumiyuki ‘s ChikaYou Mermaid AU and before I could stop myself I was already halfway done with these drawings, so I had no choice but to finish them
I had so much fun imagining how the first encounter between these nerds might have been <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

aaahhhhhh!!!! You must be CaptainGlitch on AO3 whom left that beuatiful, lovely comment that I have yet to reply to cos I’m busy– oof. BUT aahhhh,!!!!

Cap! Kio! I don’t know which to choose. But first, aaaahhhhh!!! *O* your drawing’s so good and this is adorable!! wwwww (the only thing is You-chan looks like she’s on the shore but she’s supposed to still be in the ocean and beside a big rock XD Plus Chika sees it all ;D)

I have so much fun writing and I love that it conveyed into you having so much fun reading AND drawing!! <3333 you have no idea how happy this makes me. I can’t stop smiling now. Cap, I hope to see you around for the rest of this ChikaYou Mermaid AU! (≧∇≦)ゞ(≧∇≦)ゞヾ(≧∇≦)ゞ @kiose 

these two adorable dorks blushing while looking at each other is 100% captured well, hehe.

Eyyy, yep, that’s me, and doncha worry, life’s busy, it’s all cool
I’m so glad ya liked the drawings (I still have a couple more but I didn’t want to get ahead of myself by posting ‘em all at the same time).
Alrighty! Here’s an updated version of the drawing with the new intel made in ten minutes, hurray for fast drawings and inconsistent style

I know u just said that Chika sees it all, but we’re not Chika and therefore, don’t get that privilege plus I wasn’t kidding when I said that getting nervous when thinking about boobs is a mood…dunno if I would be able to draw them if I tried haha
Aw shucks, I’m glad that you’re glad, let’s keep having fun!
I’ll be sure to stick around for more blushing dorks and mermaid shenanigans ;D

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prisonparty: adventures-in-poor-planning:adventures-in-poor-planning:oh HELL, i can’t believe itprisonparty: adventures-in-poor-planning:adventures-in-poor-planning:oh HELL, i can’t believe it




oh HELL, i can’t believe it took me this long to realize.

when you hug asriel after his fight, it’s not asriel saying he doesn’t want to let go, otherwise it would have his talksprite next to it. It’s probably not frisk either; they don’t say anything directly, not even when they’re telling asriel their name earlier in that scene.

it’s got the narrator’s star next to it, so it’s the narrator saying it. 

that’s chara hugging their brother vicariously through frisk for the last time, saying that they don’t want to let him go.

the whole “chara’s a demon child” thing is personally really boring to me because the truth is way more complex: just like the Underground as a whole, the way you play the game profoundly changes chara, and the way they think about the world. 

it’s just way more obvious in the No Mercy route because they literally have to show up in person and get you to Stop.

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