


What she says: I’m fine.

What she means: At the end of the season all the paladins seem to be up and aware and have been for a bit but it looks like Keith is just waking up for the first time. What were the extent of his injuries. How long was he asleep for. Did Shiro visit his bedside every day, hoping he’d wake up. We’re they ever unsure if he was going to pull through. How did Krolia and Kolivan learn he was in the hospital. Did they rush to Earth, terrified they were too late. Did Shiro assume the worst when he saw Black fall from the sky, landing basically at his feet. Was Shiro the one to run to him, to pick up his broken body, unsure if Keith was even still alive. Did he cradle in him in his arms, begging for Keith to come back to him just as he did for Shiro. Do you think he kept telling Keith it’d be okay once his eyes flickered open, showing signs of life. Do you think he ran to Keith’s room after his speech, hearing that he was finally awake. Do you think Shiro cried in relief seeing Keith smile up at him, alive and whole. Do you think-
