


Kalush OrchestraofUkraine wins the Eurovision Song Contest 2022 with 631 points.

+ Timur Miroshnychenko, the Ukrainian commentator’s reaction from his bunker:

#aaaaaw    #eurovision    
xxhellonursexx: REQUEST FILL #1: “Rockstar Lestat along with Louis, who is forced to wear the band’s


REQUEST FILL #1: “Rockstar Lestat along with Louis, who is forced to wear the band’s uniform.” 

Speaking of Louis, it looks like he’s having some misgivings about this whole adventure thing. 

I actually DON’T KNOW who the original requester is! They gave me a suggestion via the “ask” feature, and after I “answered privately,” the message totally vanished with no way to retrieve it. (I didn’t know that could happen) So if YOU are the requester, please make yourself known in the comments and I’ll credit you. 

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elycisart: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7z3XKR3jgMwWith this song as I mention once in the kidge



With this song as I mention once in the kidge discord, I’m always waiting for an opportunity to draw this. And TA-DA!! Thank you anon!!!

Tho I should draw a comic about this Pre!Kerbaro but ><;;

And I’ve gathered lots of requests so it’ll be CLOSED for now!! Thanks for the requesting!!

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#aaaaaw    #voltron    #gay disaster    #pidgeon    #team forestfire    