#aaaahhh why u so cute


pairing;harry ( aka wroetoshaw ) x reader

warnings; nothing tbh just fluff!!


summary; when you’re upset, you know that the stratford halo and its inhabitants will offer you comfort (and maybe one of them in particular ).

(song recommendation; drag by day wave )

today had been a kinda bad day. first your parents got really upset at you for something that another family member did on facebook and right after you cleared that mess up, your history professor sent out a mail about how there were pages assigned, which he coincidentally forgot to mention last week. and while grocery shopping, you had lost your shopping list, meaning you forgot quite some things and that means that you would have to go again quite soon. there was only one silver lining at the horizon.

today is also the day on which your boyfriend harry returned from his trip to guernsey. when you came home from the shopping, you saw a text light up your screen, in which harry was telling you that he had just entered his flat and was going to take a nap. that was an hour ago, so he was probably already asleep. although you really wanted to see him, it made no sense to go if he was that tired. but after quite a bit of thinking, you concluded that it might be just what you needed right now. so you dropped his friend callum (aka calfreezy) a text to see if he was in the flat and still up.

______ / [21:05]; hey cal are you at halo?and not about to go to sleep?

calfridge ❄ / [21:08]; yes to both of that why?

______ / [21:09]; if i was about to come over in a couple of minutes, would u be such a gentleman and open the door for me?

calfridge ❄ / [21:10]; huh what??why tho
calfridge ❄ / [21:11]; oooooh wait i see what this is abt sure thing

______ / [21:13]; ugh alright thx i’ll text u again when i’m there

so then you took the late bus towards the halo building, which you could see from afar, but it still took a little while to actually get there. when you arrived, you didn’t even want to miss a heartbeat and sprinted up the stairs until the 10th store, when you were already out of breath and decided it was for everyone’s best if you took the elevator for the 24 stores left. tapping your foot impatiently as the numbers on the board increased quite quickly, you almost jumped out of the door and quickly searched for the right number on the doors just to quickly call callum when it came in sight. he picked up right away.    heyo, _______. you here already?❞    you just laughed quietly as you stared at the doorbell, tempted to ring the living shit out of the youtuber, but remembered that his flatmates probably wouldn’t appreciate that a lot.    ‘course i am, freezy. mind opening up the door?❞    before he replied via phone you could see the door opening and a smug smile greeted you as you took your phone from your ear, before ending the call and stuffing the phone in your pocket.    ❝ good evening to you. ❞    he greeted and opened his arms for a short hug, which you immediately responded to and gave him one tight squeeze, before sliding past him inside the spacious flat, only to spot the other cal (aka callux this time )on the couch with his girlfriend sara, whom you also knew from brief conversations when the boys were all busy filming.    ❝ hello _______, didn’t know you were coming this late. ❞    cal greeted from the couch with a smile just as smug as the other callum’s and you only rolled your eyes, but waved with a tired smile when sara waved at you from across the room.    ❝ well, here i am. but i don’t want to bother you guys, so just continue doing your thing, yeah?❞    you tell them and turn around to face calfreezy again, who still has this shit-eating grin on his face as he crosses his arms and looks at you.

   ❝ so… what do i get for this?    you groan lowly, slapping your palm onto your face as you look through your fingers with clear annoyance written across your features.    ❝ nandos?just for yourself though, because letting me in is really not that much of a job. ❞    his grin widened and his teeth were showing as he extended an arm towards you.    ❝ deal. now go see your sweetheart, although i don’t really recommend waking him up. he seemed pretty beat from the trip. ❞    you just nodded and patted his shoulder as you went down the hallway to harry’s room, careful to stay on your tip-toes in order not to wake him up just yet. you try your best to keep the screeching of the door down as you slowly push it open, but then quickly close it after you slide in, because the light from the living room might get inside. you stayed still for a bit, checking if you could hear anything, but there was just the soft and regular breathing coming from your boyfriend’s bed. so you continued forward until you stood at the end of his bed to look at him, sleeping soundly on his bed.    ❝ he hasn’t even taken off his jacket… ❞    you mumble silently, just to look at the window and see that the blinds weren’t closed either, causing you to sigh. you think about closing them, but then you change your mind and sit on the carpet on the left side of his bed, leaning against the frame as you looked outside, the olympic park and the rest of london drenched in pretty lights as you look outside. suddenly all of today’s failures sunk in, making you pull your knees up close to your chest and hug them as you rested your chin ontop of the caps and tried to keep the tears in. you hadn’t really known what you were hoping for when you came here and all of a sudden you felt really stupid for hoping coming here when harry is asleep would help make you feel better and that was when the tears started running a bit, though you still tried your best to keep as silent as possible as you wiped your face.

then all of a sudden, an arm wrapped around your neck and pulled you backwards, inducing a gasp from you, but the shock was quickly overriden by stubble rubbing against the side of your face briefly as the voice you had missed for many days now finally reached your ears.    ❝ oh my days, _______… what are you doing here this late, ______?❞    again, you laugh a little as you don’t even turn to look at him, only feeling the weight of his chin on your shoulder and his arm resting around your neck as you breathe out.      ❝ way to scare me, harry… cal, the freezy one, let me in. ❞     harry nodded briefly, before shuffling around behind you and finally rolled out of his bed to land right next to you on the floor, bedhead fully present and smile showing clear signs of sleepiness. you felt another tear escape you as you reach out and wrap your arms around him, leaning against him as he lets out a surprised grunt, only to return the gesture right away, holding you tightly and as close as possibly while you tried to even out your breathing against his jumper as he tangled a hand in your hair and now you remember why you came here.

although harry might not be the most reliable when it came to uploading videos regulary, he was always there for you, even when you thought that you couldn’t count on him.    ❝ did you come over… just for me?    you laugh again, a bit more certain of your emotions this time and you look up, where his eyes were waiting for a honest answer, as if it wasn’t obvious to everyone.       ❝ yeah, just for you, you dork. i missed you, you know. ❞     now he is chuckling and pulls the rest of your body closer as well, seating you between his legs as he rests back against the bed this time, before pressing a slow kiss to your forehead.    ❝ i know, i missed you too. ❞    you nod without a sound before wrapping your arms around harry’s neck, enjoying every little bit of affection that you could get before he was bound to fall asleep once more.    ❝ give me the cover real quick, my feet are cold. ❞    he exclaimed with a smile and you giggle as you tug it off the matress and toss it over the two of you, creating a surprised face on harry as it lands on his head and you felt more at home with every second that passed.    ❝ c’mon, let’s get this into place. ❞    he said, tired smile still on his lips as he threw it off his head, landing at his feet right before he turned you around, so that you were still sitting between his legs, but your back was resting against his chest.

now you could see the city in all its beauty, lighting up your face as harry’s intertwined hands rest against your stomach from behind. you lean back to lean your head on his shoulder and he presses a kiss to your cheek, before inching back a little, grip tightening.    ❝ your cheeks are wet, _______… did something happen?❞    you tense a little, but immediately shake your head visibly, looking at him from the corner of your eye with a small smile.    ❝ i guess i just had a rough day… but now you’re here to make it all better, so no worries. ❞    you tell him in a soft voice and kiss him quickly before he can ask any more questions and he doesn’t, but buries his nose in the crook of your neck while pressing tiny kisses there, making your smile widen a little.    ❝ harry, i really don’t want to keep you up that long if you’re tired… —— ❞    but before you could finish, he already cut into your sentence.    ❝ no, don’t leave. just stay here, yeah?that’s all i want right now. ❞    you open your mouth to respond, but then you close it again and look outside, the smile that made your face light up brighter than any of the lights in london feeling better than anything else had. so you lean your head back for a kiss one more time before slowly letting your head lull to the side and your eyes close, feeling more at peace here in harry’s arms than you ever had before.
