


hey y’all, i haven’t been using tumblr much recently anyhow and i won’t be deleting anything here, but if in the mass move away from the platform you’d still like to keep up with my shenanigans, i’m mostly over ontwitterthese days

catch y’all around!




seriously I had some little TikTok teenybopper burst out laughing on my tour because I said that a historical figure was “most likely what we’d now call gay”



you’re free to take a ouija board out to the cemetery and try to explain the dizzying array of current queer terms and get a solid answer as to how he identifies within that framework but 

until then, I’m going to continue NOT definitively assigning someone identity terms they didn’t self-identify with, and might not have even known, when I’m responsible for representing them faithfully and they’re not here to correct me. even more so when they’re part of my own community

I mean, you know, as long as that’s okay with you. Bestie.

#did MODERN historians really say they were just friends? or did modern historians not use precisely the labels you’re accustomed to#and you got in a snit about it?

why would you leave this in the tags??
