#abbie hoffman



tumblr has ruined me

Hey, Justin, when’s b–

[image is a screenshot of nsync’s “it’s gonna be me” video, captioned “bi+ history month? it’s gonna be may”]

ok but seriously, why did I never know that the original video for this song has some serious bi lighting?? 

Anyway, there are now 15, count ‘em, FIFTEEN different resources for learning bi+ history, at https://www.bihistorymonth.org/where-to-learn-about-bisexual-history/. It’s an absolute feast of inspiration. 

[A square image in overlapping shades of the pink, purple, and blue of the bi flag, with a joyful Black woman centered on it, arms outstretched and face upraised. Text reads: “Prepare your posts. Spread the word. May 2021 is the second annual Bi+ History Month.”]

[Image transcription: Be part of Bi+ History! None of it is common knowledge. We’re all learning and sharing together. Checkbihistorymonth.org for resources. Share your discoveries: A zine. A song. A person. An idea. A moment. A memory. If you like, add your own thoughts; make a video; create art. Tag it with #BiHistoryMonth. Share what others tag.]

Pass it on!

Me: “I want to bring up time travel. I know! I’ll find a good TARDIS gif.”
Tumblr’s GIF search: “I GOT THIS”

(image is from @johannesviii​. the original, with image description, is right over here – along with a lot of other great work!)

get in, loser user, we’re going shopping time traveling

come visit amazing historical bi+ spaces! guaranteed absolutely zero alien attacks! 

first, we land in Mexico City, 1947, where bisexual, polyamorous, socialist/Communist, disabled, Indigenous,brilliant artist Frida Kahlo is painting in her garden. Enjoy the sounds of brushstrokes, birdsong, the occasional organ-grinder, and eventually, some record albums playing in the background. 

Then we pop just a quarter-century ahead, to New York City, 1971. 

Five years before, bi activist Stephen Donaldson started the world’s first gay student organization: the Student Homophile League, at Columbia University. Last year, it became “Gay People at Columbia-Barnard.” And now it’s taken over this unused utility closet, in the basement of Furnald Hall, to create its very own lounge.

Kick back with a few of your fellow students to read, work, or just soak up the space. You’ll hear them turning pages, writing, flipping through books and papers, and at one point, eating a bag of chips. Later, someone comes in and turns on the college radio station, WCKR, which is playing some free jazz, followed by a live interview with Abbie Hoffman.

What do you mean there aren’t any fanfictions on “The trial of the Chicago 7”?

I need a 100k+ ff about Tom and Abbie and their begrudgedly allies to lovers trope like YESTERDAY. Please.
