
Our theme next month is books about books. It’s bookception. And you all voted and we heard and are Our theme next month is books about books. It’s bookception. And you all voted and we heard and are

Our theme next month is books about books. It’s bookception. And you all voted and we heard and are ready to announce next month’s read-alongs.

Our pick for fiction is The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood. We make no secret of our love for Margaret Atwood (this is the THIRD time one of her novels kicked ass in the polls) and we’re super excited to dive into one of her most well-known and popular works. Make sure to tag all of your pictures, reviews, quotes, and feels with #abblindassassinso everyone can see what you think and because we really need more things to reblog and y’all been slacking.

Our nonfiction winner is Reading Lolita in Tehranby Azar Nafisi. This moving memoir takes place in Tehran (duh) and discusses a group of young women, led by Nafisi, who read forbidden Western novels (we’re talking Fitzgerald and Austen because they are moral poison). With all that’s gone on in 2016, we think 2017 could be the perfect time to pick this book up. The tag to follow for this one is #adultbooklrrlit.

Go forth, get your books, brew some tea, heat up some mulled wine, and get ready to read and discuss these amazing books starting January 1, 2017!

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