#abdl community


I wonder why people keep looking at me funny, just a normal girl in grey leggings

Pink sweater dress with pink diapers? I mean you gotta match right?

That time when you are doing a photoshoot and you get recognized by a big fan lol, you two were super sweet!!! Thanks for the kind words!!

Are you dreaming of a white Christmas too?

Uh oh… I think my diaper got a little wet

It’s Okay to Be Anon

This summer, as I recently announced, I’m going to be at CAPCon along with the wonderful @diaperedlilgirl. It’s our first time really putting ourselves ‘out there’ in community events, and we’re both incredibly excited. With that in mind, though, I wanted to take this moment to appreciate all the time I’ve spent, well, not putting myself out there.

Staying anonymous - not showing your face, not giving out much in the way of personal details - can get a bad rap sometimes. We hear it and think of people hiding behind anonymity to be disrespectful, to say awful things, and to engage in generally icky behavior. And to be clear, those people suck.

But there’s another side to it. Sometimes, being anonymous, and wearing that mask, is what allows us to just be our true selves. It allows us to separate from all the worry about how things are going to reflect on us, because nothing is being reflected on us (in theory). It allows us to forget about reputation and 'fitting in’ and just be honest with who we are and what we think - and when we do that, we get to learn that there’s a lot more weird, awesome people like us.

I’ve had a habit since I’ve had this blog of trying to reach out to new followers, just to wave hello, and I want to say here - it’s totally okay if you don’t reply. Most people in this community started out as lurkers. I was a lurker myself for years. Sometimes, you want to take your time, observe, learn, try to understand what it is you’re looking for, and what kink means to you, before jumping in and introducing yourself. And that’s okay.

So stay safe, everyone. Take your time. Embrace the mask of anonymity to let go of who you’re supposed to be, and find what it is you wantto be. When you’re ready, this community will welcome you with open arms.

And as always, friends, keep it kinky.


Too Real







Your heart is pounding and your head is spinning as you try to make sense of the world around you. The sign in front of the building, the smiling, diaper-clad hostess… how did they know?

Of course they know, you remind yourself. This machine knows what you want. This machine knows you better than you know yourself. There’s nothing to hide anymore, so you may as well enjoy it.

You wonder if they’ll let you in, but as you step forward to ask, you immediately know the answer. 

You can feel the thick diaper between your legs, and you look down to find it - fluffy, white, and dry for the moment - under a yellow sundress. But that’s not all you find. 

Inspecting yourself up and down, you find long, clean-shaven arms and legs, long locks of cherry-blossom-pink hair, and a large pair of perky breasts. Just like the girl in front of you, you’re animated, and yet you feelso real, the sensations of skin, bone, and flesh the very same you’ve always known. 

“Would you like to come in?” the cheery hostess asks, and you look up and nod. 

Inside, the building seems to go on forever. There are playrooms, ball pits, and inflatable castles, all filled with diaper-clad girls just like you, giggling and bouncing around. 

You’re so transfixed by it all that you bump into a girl right in front of you, nearly losing your balance in the process. Your cheeks burn red as you turn to apologize, but the girl - purple-haired, wearing a short blue dress, long white socks, and a wide yellow hat - shakes it off, insisting that there’s nothing to worry about. 

“You can call me Keiko-chan,” she adds, and you give her your name in turn. 

“I’m 23 years old from Yamagata Prefecture. Where are you from?”

For a moment, you wonder what to say, but you decide to give an honest answer. 

“Eh? I do not know that place. Is it far?” she asks, and you nod, smiling. 

Soon, Keiko-chan leads you by hand to her favorite ball pit, and the two of you begin to play together. You both fire off curious questions, laughing and wowing at the stories you share. You learn that her favorite show is Bluey, and that her favorite stuffed animal is a glittery unicorn named Belle. And she lights up in wonder as you tell her about yourself. 

The hours fly as you work your way through every attraction at the party. You swim around in the ball pit, play tag and hide-and-seek in the playrooms and open areas, and jump to dizzying heights in the bouncy castle, both blushing as your dresses ride up to put your diapers on full display. 

You don’t want it to end, but then you see Keiko’s expression shift, and you notice a tall, older woman with a serious expression making her way towards you. 

“Uh oh,” Keiko-chan explains, “they wanna take me back to the nursery for changies time. But it’s okay, I don’t have to go yet, I’ll tell them.”

Her appeal doesn’t go quite as planned. 

The older woman takes Keiko by the hand and takes a step away. And then, it happens. 

Without any warning, you feel yourself filling the back of your diaper. Your muscles are helpless to control it, and the loud, rude noises are enough to make Keiko and her caregiver turn their heads. And then, with just as total an absence of control, you feel a stream let loose and soak the padding, its hiss loud and unmistakable. 

You’re still trying to collect yourself, but Keiko-chan thinks quickly and speaks up. 

“Doyouhave a nursery to go to?” she asks, and you shake your head shyly. 

“Would you like to join mine?”

The two of you cheer, jumping with joy at the development. You walk together, hand in hand, behind Keiko-chan’s caregiver, giggling and planning what fun you’ll have next. Briefly, in the excitement, you lose yourself. 

“I love you, Keiko-chan,” you blurt out, your free hand rushing to cover your blushing face as soon as the words leave your mouth. 

The girl pauses for a moment, before stepping softly towards you and leaning in. 

“I love you too,” she whispers, before embracing you fully, wrapping her arms around you as you quickly do the same. Her lips find yours, and her kiss is soft and wet. Her tongue makes its way into you, and your heart thumps, faster and faster, louder, and louder, and louder. 


You wake up, flustered. The room is dark. Your head throbs as you try to reorient yourself to this otherreality. 

And then, you feel the puddle you’re sitting in. And that smell…


Image Credit: @lilith-fetish-abdl

Looking for more crinkly fun? Check out my complete AB/DL caption index!

Good News, Everyone!

Hey all, just wanted to let y'all know that I’m going to be running a Writer’s Workshop at this year’s CAPCon. Whoooo!

And yes, I realize that many of you, sadly, will be unable to attend this year’s event. However, I’ll be posting lots of material from the workshop here, sharing some insights into the process and hopefully helping anyone interested in dipping into the kinky inkwell get the tools and guidance to start.

I do want to remind you all that I wouldn’t be doing this if it wasn’t for your amazing support this past year. You all have helped me grow creatively, build up my confidence as a writer, and justify spending more time indulging in my own perverted fantasies. And that’s a joy that I hope to share with others.

If you do happen to be heading to SummerCAP, be sure to send me a DM. Would love to meet some of you there!

Keep it Kinky

- Rob

Teddy cuddles are always warm and soft

Let’s play on Snapchat: Yogaprincess96

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Snap: Yogaprincess96

Happy Valentine’s Day to all! To celebrate we made you a little promo code to our site ❤️


This is «  you can leave your hat on » diapered version !

It looks like the nurse worked a little too long… She couldn’t hold it in.
