#abdl diaper


A sunny, squishy Saturday morning ☀️


See more of my diaper content on JFF

I don’t need diapers! I’m a big girl!

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Pigtails, Pikachu, and Princess Pink!

No one’s gonna know. How would they know?


A booty begging to be spanked (or squished)

Trying to hide my diap like…


Ahoy, maties ! ⚓️

Avast ! This is the new Kiddo Little Sailor by Diaper Minister and Charlotte looks like ready to board ! ☠️

These two girls like lollipops, don’t you ?

This is «  you can leave your hat on » diapered version !

A wild Candy Fluff appears ! And worn beautifully too!

It looks like the nurse worked a little too long… She couldn’t hold it in.

Wet diaper fits Ange impeccably. Don’t u think ?

Netflix & chill in front of the fireplace?

Potty Training with Baby Lottie
