#abdl mommy


The Perfect Valentine’s Day Gift

NSFW 18+ Only

Contains ABDL Content

Note: This story’s a bit more graphic than my previous ones so I just want to warn that the actions in this story are non-consensual. But, this story is fantasy. In reality, of course, consent is absolutely necessary. Might want to skip this one if stuff like that is a trigger. Otherwise, enjoy!

“You got any Valentine’s Day plans this weekend?” Graham asked his new gym partner Jared as he toweled himself off from the showers.

“No way!” Jared scoffed. “You think there’s any woman out there that can hold me down?”

The two new friends laughed. Jared hadn’t had plans of making friends when he started going back to the gym for New Years. But, Graham had approached him the first week and offered to spot him and the pair became quick friends ever since.

“Yeah, me neither,” Graham responded. “What do you say we come here on Sunday and we get a few extra sets in while the place is empty?”

That sounded like a good idea to Jared. He had nothing better to do on Valentine’s Day. He played it off like he was this cool bachelor, but the truth is he hadn’t had a girlfriend for two whole years now. Hitting the gym and building some muscle sounded like a good distraction. Plus, the ladies would be unable to resist him once he got in as good of shape as Graham. The dude had clearly been a returning member for a long time now. He didn’t have an ounce of fat on him.

So, Jared and Graham agreed to meet back in the men’s locker room that weekend on Valentine’s Day. Jared ran about ten minutes late, so he was surprised to find that the locker room was completely empty. Graham was usually extremely anal about being on time. Just as Jared went to sit down, a cloth appeared in front of him as someone began to smother it into his face from behind. Jared struggled as he began to lose focus, but eventually he blacked out completely.

When Jared came to, he immediately noticed his splitting headache. He tried to regain focus and get a bearing of his surroundings, but before his eyesight returned, he felt something slip out of his mouth.

“Oh, come on, put that back in,” he heard a voice say.

Jared recognized the voice immediately. As vision returned to Jared, he saw the unmistakable image of his buddy Graham pushing an adult-sized pacifier between sets of bars into Jared’s mouth.

“Wakey, wakey, sunshine,” Graham teased. “I hope there’s no hard feelings, bro. Turns out you are the perfectValentine’s Day gift and I couldn’t pass it up. Now just wait here while I go get the missus. Well… not like you have a choice.”

Graham exited the room as Jared tried to comprehend what he was saying. His whole body felt lethargic. He could barely move. He tried to lift an arm or even utter a full word, but to no avail. Had Graham drugged him while he was passed out?

As he flung his arms and legs around immobily, he noticed something even more frightening. He wasn’t wearing his gym clothes. No, what he was wearing might not even be considered clothes at all. He was dressed in nothing except for a large pink ribbon and diaper! A diaper sized specifically to fit him!

Jared’s thoughts about being dressed as a baby in what he now realized was a large playpen were interrupted by Graham returning to the room with whom Jared assumed to be his girlfriend.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetie!”

Jared’s eyes widened as he recognized the woman with Graham. It was his ex-girlfriend Serena!

Serena squealed in excitement. “Babe! It’s exactly what I wanted!”

Jared’s eyes began to water as he saw his former girlfriend for the first time in two years. And under these circumstances!

It all started to come together for Jared. Jared had been really awful to Serena while they were together. He was always really jealous of the attention that Serena would get from other guys while the two of them were out together. So, Jared had made demands about what clothes she was allowed to wear, who she was allowed to talk to, and where she was allowed to go. After a while, Serena stood up for herself which resulted in… well, Jared hated to admit it to himself. Let’s just say the relationship ended poorly after that altercation.

“Oh my god, he looks so ridiculous!” Serena laughed as she clung to her current boyfriend Graham’s massive arm. “This is the best gift ever! Thank you, handsome.”

The two kissed as Jared sat awkwardly in his playpen, trying to regain feeling in his legs. These two were insane! He had to find away out of here. Unfortunately for Jared, the couple’s attention turned to him as they cooed at him as though he was a one-year-old trying to walk. That would have been mortifying enough if Graham hadn’t then come over to pick the grown man up in order to bring him over to Serena. Somehow, Graham was even stronger than Jared thought. He was able to lift the twenty-five year old effortlessly, placing one hand on his back and one underneath his diaper behind.

“Hi Jare-Jare,” Serena said addressing Jared now. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to put you in your place. I mean, look at yourself! From weights and ladies to pacifiers and stuffed teddies! You used to act so fucking tough, but look how it easy it was for my boyfriend to completely infantilize you.”

Tears began to roll uncontrollably down Jared’s cheeks as Serena sat in a rocking chair and Graham lay Jared face down over her lap. Jared tried to roll away, but in his current state even Serena had no trouble holding him in place with one arm. Graham handed her a paddle.

“I like you a lot better this way,” Serena shared. “It’ll be much easier for you to recognize who’s in charge.”

Thus began Serena’s revenge as she began to fully assault Jared’s exposed butt cheeks with the paddle. Jared’s movement was limited but that didn’t stop him from scissor kicking his legs as he wailed and sobbed from the multiple smacks around his now diaper bottom.

It must’ve been a full half hour before Serena gave in. Jared’s butt was as red as his face and he couldn’t help but humiliatingly bawl into his ex-girlfriend’s shoulder as she bounced him mockingly on her knee like a toddler.

Graham and Serena continued to laugh at him throughout Valentine’s Day as they forced him to do demeaning things around the living room. Serena would feed him formula from a baby bottle as Graham jeeringly tussled his hair. They forced him to crawl around the room or else suffer more spankings. They would even pour ice-cold water down the front of his diaper and tease him for wetting himself as he quivered dramatically from the cold touching his shriveled-up cock. This was their sick, twisted idea of fun.

After lots of similar “activities” they put Jared through, Graham and Serena envisioned the most perverted idea of all as they watched the man-baby play with toy blocks. “This little baby bitch could never make me cum either,” Serena told Graham. “He always had a baby dick. And forget about eating me out! He was always such a whiner. Meanwhile, he’d cum in about ten seconds every time.”

That’s when the couple exchanged a knowing glance. Graham stormed over and grabbed Jared’s hair with one hand. “Well, this can be a good education experience for the brat,” Graham said wickedly. Serena removed her black Valentine’s Day dress and seductive panties as Graham removed the large pacifier from Jared’s mouth. “No,” Jared pleaded. “I’m s-”

Graham shoved Jared’s face in between his girlfriend’s legs. Jared shook his head rapidly, trying to escape his inevitable situation. Suddenly, he moaned and took a huge inhale of air as he felt something penetrating his backside. He turned around see a fully naked Graham whose member was now inside him. “She’d better finish before I do,” Graham threatened before thrusting himself further into Jared. Jared cried out in pain as he felt Graham’s throbbing cock tearing apart his insides. He suddenly rushed to Serena’s pussy, realizing his quickest way out of the torment was to give her pleasure.

Serena chucked manically at the display of absolute emasculation as her former abuser was being railed by her boyfriend. Jared began to lick the walls of her vagina like a lapdog, not knowing how to even begin to stimulate her. It was never something that he had to consider. It took him nearly fifteen minutes to find her clit and then another five before he resorted to simply sucking on it, much like he had been with his pacifier. It felt like another hour passed before Serena began to scream in ecstasy, squirting pussy juice all over the poor diaper loser’s face.

Despite crying all day, Jared now truly remembered what it meant to whimper like a baby. Full-voice screams accompanied rivers of tears and a beet-red face as Jared’s new caretakers cleaned up his face with baby wipes, powdered his tiny dick, and sealed him in a fresh new diaper.

“Looks like it’s somebody’s bedtime,” Serena teased after Jared finally calmed down.

It was only 6:00 pm, but Jared couldn’t deny that after what the two of them had put him through, he was exhausted. Graham placed Jared in the playpen and Serena waved a pink teddy bear mockingly in the grown man’s face, putting on a goofy voice saying “Hi, I’m Ms. Bear. I’m your new girlfriend.”

As Jared’s eyes began to shut, he saw Graham and Serena look over the playpen’s bars lovingly much like a Daddy and Mommy would look happily over their newborn. Serena wrapped her arms around Graham’s waist.

“Thank you for being so thoughtful,” Serena said to Graham. “This was the perfect Valentine’s Day present. I love you.”

“I love you too, beautiful,” Graham said. The two shared a kiss.

You can’t deny they are a perfect match, Jared thought to himself. Anyone else would think this act of revenge was psychotic and over-the-line, but for Graham, it was an act of love. Unfortunately for Jared, he was the idiot caught in the line of fire. If only he had treated her as well as Graham did.

Jared fell asleep coming to terms with the idea that he wasn’t a Valentine’s gift like flowers or chocolate, where you have them for a small while and then get rid of them. No, he was more like an appliance, a plaything, a personal sex toy for Serena. She was going to get constant uses out of him over a long span of time. Who knew how long he’d be stuck here as something for the happy couple to laugh at? He’d have a lot of time to observe what true love is supposed to look like.

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Ways to check a diaper. Which one are you using? Write in the comments

Sick baby needs hugs

Just your average thursday

working has leaving me so stressed that all I want to do when I get home is putting on my biggest strap and face fuck my sub till all my stress goes away

Someone got a diaper change in the living room with all the windows open today. Do you think the people walking by caught a glimpse? ☀️

This little super soaker deserved something very cute and special for dinner out tonight Do you think anyone noticed the crinkle sound coming from his pants?

available here

It’s okay if you’d rather be bottle fed tonight than breastfeed, sweetie. You’re getting Mommy’s milkies either way Let’s get your diaper on you and then you can drink from your baba until you fall asleep in Mommy’s arms.
