#abe the detective


Can we all appreciate the amount of detail Mark puts in all his video of this insane ego series he’s made??

Back in August of 2018 I post these gif sets

And asked a very simple question on exactly who was this extra Wilford appearing behind Abe here. Literally no one had an explanation for it, I didn’t have an explanation for it either and we all just kinda settle with the knowledge that nothing about Will ever makes any sense and or some of just just settled with the idea that he can just teleport but NOW with ISWM literally four years later we actually have the context to it.

Four years later and we finally know that this extra Wilford isn’t just there because Will just doesn’t make any sense, he’s not there because Wilford can teleport, or that he’s a time traveler, he’s there because Will can create wormholes and he’s just hopping to the past and futures because, well why not?

It’s what I find so amazing about this detail is that Wilford MOTHERLOVING Warfstache came about four years ago and none of us could explain this small little scene. No one would come up with a rational explanation for this random second Warfstache but to know Mark added that scene because he had all that planned and figured out four years in the making is incredible.

That is proper planning ahead at its finest.
