#ablaze series


Characters: Firefighter!Dean x Doctor!Reader, Garth, other minor characters

Word Count: 4.1k

Warnings: Angst, Fluff, SMUT (Oral - f. receiving, fingering, P-in-V, unprotected sex - 18+ only!)

A/N: I know, I know, it’s been months, and I’m so sorry! But chapter 11 is finally here, yay! I hope this makes up for the ridiculously long hiatus but I finally had the chance to sit down, go over it and get things to piece together how I wanted, and hopefully how you’ll like. Thank y’all so much for reading! Sitting my ass down right-fucking-now to get the next chapter out as soon as possible!

Catch up on this series here -> Ablaze Masterlist

cred: @downanddirtydean​ and rightful owners 

Dividers by: @firefly-graphics​ & @talesmaniac89

Here’s my full Masterlist if you’d like to read more!


Your voice caught in your throat, you feel all blood drain from your cheeks and a sudden chill settle in your bones.

Dean. He is here, standing but a few feet from you, expectant eyes staring deep into your soul, waiting on bated breath for your response. It’s only been a few seconds, yet you feel as though you’ve been standing in place for eons – watching him, admiring his breathtaking beauty that somehow seems to have doubled in the few months you’ve spent apart from each other.

He makes a small movement towards you, and you curse yourself silently when your feet shuffle backwards instinctively. You want to respond, are yelling at yourself to say something, anything at all, but words fail as if the connection between your brain and your mouth is severed. The door to your side opens and you jump in place as Annabel steps into the room. The breeze accompanying her entrance courses around you, serves to shock you off your frozen state and you can hear Annabel introducing herself to Dean. She turns to you and you hand her the chart you’d been clutching in your arms, your own movements robotic and stiff. The lock to the en suite clicks and you see a thin man exit, he has a kind smile for you as Annabel explains to him who you are. Forcefully, you return the smile and continue looking at the strange man as Annabel talks to him about next steps, but you’re painfully aware of the green eyes burning holes in the side of your face. You chance a look to where Dean still stands next to the patient bed and could almost see the exact second where his expression turns from one of shock to one you can’t quite place, but are fairly certain is anger.

“What do you think, Dr. Y/L/N?”

Your head sharply turns again at the sound of your name being said and you see Annabel looking at you questioningly, “I’m so sorry, what was that, again?”

Annabel repeats her approach and you take the chance to step further from Dean and closer to the patient, Garth, who you now vaguely remember having a short conversation with Dean about. Settling on a plan with Annabel quickly, she continues talking to Garth and you take the chance to excuse yourself for a moment. You head for the door and the moment you set foot in the hallway, you feel a wave of nausea run through you. A nurse passes by and you ask to be directed to the nearest bathroom, he points you in the direction and you quickly make your way over.

What the hell is he doing here? You must be cursed, this kind of thing doesn’t happen to normal people, does it? Of all people to run into, of all places to run into someone, it had to be Dean and it had to be here.

The nausea subsides as you lean over one of the sinks of the restroom you entered and you stare at your reflection in the mirror. You can see the fear in your eyes, the anxiety creeping up your spine as you remember the look in Dean’s eyes once he’d gotten over the shock of running into you. God, he must hate me…

Someone walks into the bathroom and you realize you’ve been standing there for too long. You need to go back and give Annabel some sort of explanation for your odd behavior, as well as excuse yourself for the rest of the day, and hopefully manage to avoid Dean in the process of it all.

Sure, ditch him again. It’s not like you haven’t been so horrible to him before.

You curse under your breath, knowing that your plan is cowardly, again. You want to be brave, be able to walk up to Dean and apologize. You want to let him say his piece, show his anger and chastise you for your behavior, but in truth you don’t know if you can take it. Not from him, at least.

Though you hate what you did to Dean by leaving so suddenly, you still treasure the memory of that last night by his side. The way he cared for you, treated you like a queen, touched you like you’ve never been touched before… How you ended it will always be one of the worst things you’ve ever done, yes, but that memory is your happy place. It’s sweet, precious, untarnished.

If you go to him now, it won’t be. If you let him say his truth and tell you how much he wishes he’d never met you, that last memory of your last night together will be taken from you. Instead of a loving embrace, your final memory of Dean Winchester will be him walking away from you after breaking your heart. Something you deserve, you know that… but not something you’re brave enough to take.

Taking a deep breath, having made up your mind to avoid Dean at all costs, you head back out to the hallway and warily make your way to Annabel’s office. You turn the corner and are about to reach the elevator when you see Garth being taken down the hallway in a gurney.  And that’s when you realize… Dean is in Chicago to take care of a friend.

Who does that? What kind of person drops everything and gets on a plane to fly to another state to take care of a friend that they rarely even see anymore?

The good kind. And Dean Winchester is the best kind of person there is. He’s caring, loyal, the most selfless man you’ve ever met. He deserves better than to be ditched and avoided. He deserves at least a better explanation than some hurriedly written note, and definitely deserves the chance to get his thoughts and feelings off his chest.

Suddenly feeling braver than you have in a long time, you turn on your heel and make your way back to the room in which Garth was placed. Hopefully it’s not too late and he hasn’t left quite yet, though the chances of him still being in the room are slim. You finally arrive at the room and place a hand on the door handle. Taking a deep breath, you brace yourself for whatever you’re about to face and open the door carefully. You enter the room, a knot in the back of your throat as you look up from the floor and you can feel panic rise within as you see Dean still in the room, gathering what seem to be some of Garth’s personal belongings.

He looks up from the duffel bag he’s packing on the bed and once again, the air gets knocked out of your lungs as his eyes meet yours. What little courage you had earlier begins to slowly seep out of you and you’re having a hard time not running away.

Dean sighs and looks back down to the duffel on the bed, “come to ignore me some more, or did you just forget something?”

His voice is harsh and you can hear the anger and pain behind his words. Forcing some air back into your body, you clear your throat, “I - erm, I was hoping to talk, um, if that would be okay with you…”

He doesn’t respond but you close the door to the room to ensure some sort of privacy. Taking small, measured steps, you walk closer to him but stop in your tracks when you notice him stiffening as you draw closer. He doesn’t look up from his packing, but says, “talk about what? I think you made it very clear that you wanted nothing to do with me.”

“Dean, I - “

“If you’re here to apologize, apology accepted. Otherwise, don’t worry, I’m not stalking you or anythin’. You can go back to avoiding me.”

You visibly flinch at the sting of his words, a detail that doesn’t go unnoticed by him. Maybe he was wrong, maybe he never really forgave you like he told his friends, and himself, all those times. Whatever the case may be, he knows he didn’t mean to snap like he did, “sorry. I didn’t mean -”

“It’s okay,” you interrupt, “y-you’re right. I’ve been avoiding you when in reality it should be you avoiding me. What I did was… reprehensible.”

Dean, who has stopped packing the duffel completely and is now sitting on the bed, sighs, “that’s one way to put it.”


“Listen, Dean, I know I’m in no place to ask for anything from you – frankly, the fact that I’m even trying is too much – but, is there any chance you’d be able to meet me later tonight? I just, I feel like I owe you an explanation and I’d really like it if you could spare me a few minutes, maybe somewhere a little more private?” You hold your breath, expecting to be rejected but are surprised when Dean agrees to give you a chance.

You thank him and go to leave, having made plans to meet at the restaurant in your hotel for dinner. After apologizing to Annabel, you head straight to the hotel and hope that the nagging feeling in your gut is just nerves about your impending talk with Dean and not a preamble to a horrible night.


The few hours that have passed have been more than enough to put you on edge. By the time Dean texts you to tell you he’s on the way to your hotel, your nerves are fried and you fidget with your outfit and makeup for the thousandth time.

You look in the mirror, a small smile on your face as you give your appearance one last check before heading down to the lobby. You opted for something simple, dark jeans and a blouse with light makeup. Still, a big part of you wants to look your best for Dean.


“Table for two?” says the hostess when she sees you and Dean arrive. You nod and follow her to a table in the corner of the small restaurant, really it’s more of a lounge but it’s quiet and private enough for the conversation you’re about to have with Dean. When he arrived, you immediately felt faint and breathless. Though you saw him earlier, seeing him and being so close to him again made your chest tighten and the butterflies in your stomach go berserk. Ever the gentleman, he asked about your day and guided you to where the signs in the lobby indicated the restaurant was situated.

Now, sitting across from one another, you still find it hard to breathe and come up with anything other than one word responses and meek smiles. Finally, as the drinks are placed in front of you, whiskey for Dean and wine for you, he leans forward and asks, “so, what did you want to talk about?”

There it is. The million dollar question.

You look down and find your fingers anxiously wrapped around the stem of your wine glass. You know what you want to say, at least you did a couple hours ago, but have no idea how to begin. Instead, you go to take a sip of your wine and end up downing the whole thing in one go. Putting the glass down, you look at Dean and for a moment you swear you could see the corner of his mouth twitch the tiniest visible bit.

“Okay,” you breathe out. “First things first - “

“Are we ready to order?” the waitress interrupts to ask you, though you suspect her question is more directed at Dean as her eyes are glued to his face and her smile screams for attention.

Dean barely glances at her as he orders and, feeling bad for the girl, you try to be nicer though she glares at you as you place your order. Once she’s gone, you look back to Dean, who is still staring expectantly at you.

“Um, right.” Here we go, “like I was saying, first of all, I need you to know that leaving you… it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done and I am so sorry. What I did was just, well, unacceptable for one, and so unfair to you. You know, you opened your home and your heart to me and I-”

You stop for a moment as tears begin to fall down your cheeks. Dean is silent, listening to every word yet remaining unreactive to any of it. Clearing your throat, you continue, “It’s not lost on me, Dean - the fact that I left you in such a cowardly manner. But that was all me, my fears took over and I just felt that I needed to leave, I needed to do something to prove that I can make choices for myself. And I knew that if I even let myself thinkof having an actual relationship with you, I would stay… for you. I don’t expect you to forgive me or even accept it, but if you could find it within you to understand, I couldn’t be that girl that changed her life for someone else. I did that once and I just couldn’t do it again.”

Looking down, you sniffle as you search for your napkin to wipe the tears from your face but find yourself frozen as Dean has left his seat and is now crouched down next to you, his fingers gently wrapped around your wrist. You lift your gaze and close your eyes as he takes the napkin and wipes your tears for you. He places the soft cloth down and his hand reaches up to touch the side of your face. The second you feel his touch, you feel as though a great weight is lifted off your chest and you let a shuddering breath out as his thumb gently caresses your cheek.


“Sweetheart,” Dean starts and you open your eyes to find yourself staring into deep emerald pools. “I would never hold that against you. If anything, I was prepared to let you go. The decision was always yours, and whatever it was, you always had my full support.

“Now, do I wish things had been handled differently? Of course,” he continues. “ And, sure, maybe I do still resent you a little for the way you left things between us but, trust me, I never even thought about making you change your entire life for me. That just wouldn’t be fair to you, and I… I love you too much to hurt you like that.”

You gasp softly as Dean says those three little words. During your stay in California, it became apparent just how much you love him, too. The pain you felt in your chest every single day was the biggest indicator. Before you can respond, Dean closes the short gap between you and you close your eyes.

His kiss is gentle, at first, tentative as he brushes his lips against yours with featherlight touch. The second you feel him against you, you sigh into his mouth, feeling as though you were finally complete again. Slowly, he begins to kiss you more urgently, his hand traveling to the back of your head as his tongue asks for entrance. You gladly give in, excitement coursing through your veins until the sound of someone nearby clearing their throat brings you both back to reality and Dean pulls back. You feel your cheeks warm as the waitress stares at you with a raised eyebrow and a forced smile, apologizing and announcing the arrival of your food. If Dean feels any embarrassment, he’s extremely good at hiding it because he simply returns to his seat and smiles politely as the food is set in front of you.

After asking if you need anything else, and throwing you a death glare, the waitress leaves and you look up to find Dean smirking as he watches your reaction, which he finds adorable and, quite honestly, hilarious. Especially the way your cheeks become visibly red and you avoid eye contact while your voice turns a couple octaves higher. In that moment, he realizes he’d almost forgotten just how beautiful you are and his chest tightens as pure joy overtakes his senses. He’s missed you for so long, never feeling quite right, a part of him always somewhat empty. And now that emptiness is finally gone, replaced by your mere presence. Admittedly, when he agreed to meet with you, he had prepared to at least make a clean break. But from the moment he saw you, he knew that he wouldn’t be able to do that, it would hurt too much, and when you began to cry, all his resolve went out the window and all he knew was that he needed to make you feel better, whatever it took. Now, seeing your reaction after his kiss, a kiss which had brought life back to him, he couldn’t help but smile.

For a few moments, you both sit there fiddling with your food, neither hungry anymore. At least, not hungry for the dishes in front of you, but rather hungry for each other. You don’t know how, but part of you can see in Dean’s eyes the same desire that you feel.

“Room 1107,” you whisper.

“Read my mind, sweetheart.” Dean stands and takes his wallet out, throwing a couple bills on the table as you gather your purse and jacket. You both hurry out of the lounge, Dean holding your hand as you head to the elevators. The doors open and you rush inside, barely pressing the button to your floor when Dean pushes you up against the side of the lift, his lips capturing yours in a bruising kiss. The air becomes hot and heavy, his hands are everywhere; on your hips, your waist, his fingers digging deep into the flesh beneath your blouse. You hold on to him for support and are about to wrap your legs around his waist when the elevator dings, signaling arrival to your floor. Everything is a haze as you rush out and fumble through your purse contents for your roomkey as Dean continues holding on to you, your back against his chest, his lips lightly sucking on the tender skin on the side of your neck. Shaky fingers wrap around the keycard and before you know it, you’re turned around, kissing Dean once more as he walks you backwards into the hotel room. Clothes are flying everywhere, the both of you a mere blur as you make your way to the bed, and the only thing you can focus on is the wonderful sensation of Dean’s skin against your own.

You giggle as you fall backwards onto the soft surface of the mattress, Dean standing above you, admiring your form as you do his. He’s so beautiful, so perfectly carved to your every desire, and underneath it all is the man you’ve come to love more than any before.

You lean up on your elbows as Dean kneels before you, his gaze full of love and admiration, you feel as though you may cry. No one before had ever looked at you with quite such… reverence. You smile as Dean leans down and gently presses his lips to your inner calf, slowly making his way up your leg, the stubble now adorning his cheek tickling you along the way. You lean back as his lips explore the soft, sensitive skin of your inner thigh. A soft moan escapes as he comes closer still to your now-soaked core, begging to be touched by those plump, full lips of his. Suddenly, his warm breath fans over your mound and you whine in protest and buck your hips upwards impatiently. He chuckles at your eagerness and wants to give in to the sweet sounds you make as he comes even closer, yet he knows he doesn’t want to rush it, not this. Slowly, agonizingly slow, his tongue traces a single line up your center, causing goosebumps to cover your whole body. Dean smiles and grabs your legs, placing them on his shoulders, before suddenly diving in once more, only this time he wraps his lips around your clit and sucks lightly which makes your legs tighten. Your hands are tangled in the sheets of the bed and you’ve forgotten how to breathe as Dean continues licking and sucking, his tongue taking you places you’ve only dreamed of. He continues feasting on you, delighted by your moans and whimpers, coming up every now and then to admire his work, how your body glistens and writhes at his touch.

Soon, you feel the coil in your belly tighten and Dean can tell you’re close. He slips a single finger into your sweet, dripping wet opening and groans as he feels your walls tighten. He adds another finger and begins fucking you as he continues sucking on your bundle of nerves. Gradually, his fingers go faster and faster, the pace matched by his lips and tongue until it all becomes too much and your orgasm hits like a freight train. You scream out in pleasure, your legs closing in around Dean, back arched and hands nearly pulling the sheets right off the bed as wave after wave of pleasure drown you in pure, complete bliss.

Before you can fully recover, you find yourself enveloped by warmth as Dean crawls up on the bed and catches your lips in a sweet kiss. His lips taste of you and you simply cannot get enough. Without breaking the kiss, you both move up the bed and Dean lines himself up with your entrance. He pulls back and stares deep into your eyes as his throbbing cock enters you slowly, inch by inch stretching your cunt. You gasp, your body on fire as he begins to move his hips. In and out, his eyes never leave yours as he makes love to you. His hands caress the side of your body and you trace your nails across his back, the pads of your fingers feeling the way his back muscles contract and extend as he continues his perfect movements.

He’s always been attractive, to the point of perfection to you but at this moment, he is simply beautiful. His lips are slightly parted, cheeks flushed, his sweat-soaked hair touching his forehead. And his eyes, those mesmerizing windows to the most wonderful soul, they see right through you with such fervor and love.

As the connection between you grows, so does the tension in the pit of your stomach. Dean knows exactly what to do when it comes to your body and you find yourself climbing closer and closer to that marvelous precipice, that moment of release you so desperately crave. He can tell how close you are and he struggles to hold back, too. The expression on your face, the sounds slipping past your lips, your walls contracting around him in sweet and delicious anticipation, it’s all he’s dreamed of for months. He wants to take you there, wants to see you become undone before him.

His movements speed up and become erratic, nearly sloppy. You close your eyes as you feel your orgasm loom around the corner, you’re so close, so tantalizingly, ridiculously close. Dean’s lips latch on to the tender skin on your neck, sucking at the sensitive spot where your neck meets your shoulder, the pulse point he knows will drive you absolutely insane. His teeth nip at your skin as his hips continue ramming into you. Your moans turn to screams and your vision turns white as the coil in your belly snaps and you’re suddenly hit with the most unimaginable pleasure. Electricity courses through your body, spreading from your core to the tips of your curling toes, blazing through your nerves like the most devastatingly sublime wildfire. As your body seizes, Dean can’t hold back anymore, groaning as he lets go, his seed filling you up. He collapses on top of you and rolls off, pulling you along to lay your head on his chest.

It’s a couple moments before either of you can catch your breath, you look up at Dean who places a kiss on your forehead before looking up at the ceiling. You smile as you continue to look at him - finally feeling complete after so many months of loneliness -  when the words leave your mouth.

“I love you, too.”


Ablaze Taglist♥️

@deans-baby-momma​ / @deangirl93​ / @maralisa124​ / @laycblack​ / @eliwinchester99​ / @supernatural-love14​ / @itskatrinahere​ / @onethirstyunicorn / @audryrainbowdragon​ / @ajreturnstocringeyaccount​ / @flamencodiva​ / @​seppys-return-to-madness / @pansexualgrapes​ / @watermelonlipstick​ / @panicking-outside-the-disco​ / @thefamilybussiness​ / @krazykelly​ / @halesandy​ / @beabutterfly987​ / @supernatural-bellawinchester / @katelynw931-blog​ / @zozebo​ / @samsgirl93​ / @xhannahbananax03​ / @afangirlreacts​ / @dean-winchesters-gardian-angel​ / @440mxs-wife​ / @compresshischest09​ / @sarahbaker2010​ / @supernaturaldisco​ / @delightfullykrispypeach​ / @darlingyoureperfection​ / @imaginationisgrowth​ / @apple-piie-life​ / @coudabeenamermaid / @supernaturaldisco​ / @lizette50​ / @swearingsolemnly​ / @zannemes​ / @ifeeltranquilsomewhereelse

Forever Loves Taglist

@deanwanddamons​ / @hobby27​ / @spnchick1996​ / @briagallen​ / @downanddirtydean​ / @vicmc624​ / @justanotherblonde23​ / @foxyjwls007​ / @tatted-trina6​ / @mlovesstories​ / @winchest09​ / @pink-sparkly-witch​ / @mariaenchanted​ / @flashxspn / @stiles-stilinski-24-dylan​ / @swearingsolemnly​ / @happyt0exist​ / @spngi​ / @flamencodiva​ / @drakelover78 / @spnbaby-67

Dean Sweethearts Taglist♥️

@lyarr24​ / @akshi8278​ / @pillowjj​ / @stoneyggirl​ / @wiserainbowgirl​ / @attackonnat​ / @deanswaywardgirl​ / @thoughts-and-funnies​ / @deep-in-my-thoughts13​ / @themrsdeanwinchester​ / @vikkiwalker​ / @deandreamernp​ / @siospins
