#abo stucky




I wrote this fic for @hannahshattuck​ and the @hellyeahbottombucky​ Valentine’s Gift Exchange! It’s come a bit late, so I apologize for that! 

Rating: Explicit

Length: 8,820 words, complete

No archive warnings apply, A/B/O dynamics, lost lovers

Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37284334#main

Summary: The trip back to Steve’s apartment is a whirlwind. While he knows how much he loves Bucky, he can’t stop thinking about how Bucky hasn’t seen him in years, didn’t even know he was an alpha, and yet he still trusts Steve enough with this.

And he can’t stop thinking too, of what Natasha had told him while Bucky spoke with Dugan. “Omega’s who have been in combat or who have faced extreme trauma often have their heats suppressed unnaturally. It’s a fight or flight reaction, giving them a modicum of protection. Heats and pregnancies put an omega at extreme risk. The heat of said omegas are often only triggered when they bond, or when they find an alpha that makes them feel safe enough to want to bond, the heat making a bond easier to complete. Bucky has been through both combat and trauma, and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that he had an unexpected heat when he was finally reunited with you.” Then she had looked at him warningly. “Don’t take this lightly, Rogers. If you have even an ounce of doubt, you need to let this boy go.”

In which Bucky and Steve lose each other, find each other again, against all odds, at a Valentine’s dance, and Bucky unexpectedly goes into heat.

I hope you like it, and Hannah most of all! 

AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I love it so much!!!!

You are the absolute best hun!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR THIS BEAUTIFUL GIFT!!!

Corrupt Me Masterlist

**Header by yours truly**

Corrupt Me; pt 1

The Arrangement; pt 1.5

pt 3: Coming Soon


Marvel Masterlist

Masterlist of Masterlists

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