#about me


It’s getting colder. IG: @thejazzwilliams


a niche character trope i like is the person who is nice, a good person and acts well adjusted, then they do something where it’s like. oh you’re secretly a little bit insane actually


Name: beatriz
Nickname(s): bia
Age: 15


Favourite Colour(s): wine
Least Favourite Colour: yellow?? maybe
Favourite Food: cookies… maybe chocolate cake
Least Favourite Food: olive, salad
Favourite Band/Artist: daughter, ms mr, marina & the diamonds
Least Favourite Band/Artist: none
Favourite Type of Movie: animation
Least Favourite Type of Movie: white cishet romance
One thing you can’t get enough of: reading&doing researches in stuff i find interesting
One thing you hate more than anything: people who think theyre better than everyone else


Are you single? yes
Do you have a crush on anyone right now? maybe
Do you flirt a lot?nah
Do you believe in love at first sight? no
Do you fall in love fast? kind of
Do you ever make the first move? umMMmM
Do you want to get married? yeah


A daydreamer? yes
Talkative? when im around people im comfortable with, yes
Energetic? no
Happy? i try to
Trustworthy? i think so
Confident? not really
Adaptable? a lot
Emotionally strong?no

Religious? no, although ive been considering paganism
Outgoing?not really
Artistic? i like drawing
Obsessive? i try not to




je suis sick of this shit

moi fucking too

énorme mood

hitmewithcute:He doesn’t like morning


He doesn’t like morning

Post link


Wtf is hook up culture? write me poems then die in a war


i deal with my feelings in a healthy way

and by healthy way i mean shoving them aside and spending hours on the internet doing basically nothing to keep my thoughts far far far away from them it’s foolproof yes

Why, hello there. I thought I’d write up this little post to give you an idea of what’s been going on over the last month or so, since I got back from vacation.

Our trip was a lot of fun, as always. I’ve talked about this before but it’s so much fun being able to behave like a normal couple in public. Then conversely it sucks when we have to come back home and hide it again.

But hopefully the hiding won’t be necessary for too much longer. Because our big move is getting closer. We’ve known when we’re going to move for several months now, but we hadn’t really told anyone. People my mom works with knew because she had to tell them she was leaving. Nobody really knew other than that, though.

But since we got back from our vacation, I told my dad about it. I just told him that Mom is moving to take a job at a new place and I’m gonna go with her. He fully understood. He knows there’s nothing going on for me where she and I currently live. So he was happy for me.

We’ve told other people about it too, but to me telling him was the big thing. So now it’s done and it feels real that this is actually moving forward and everything.

But there’s still a lot of stuff we have to do. And since getting back from vacation, things have been pretty busy. I’m finding I don’t really have a lot of time to devote to the blog lately. So bear with me, I guess, as we move forward these next few months.

And sometime next month, I’m not sure when yet, we’re going to fly out to where we’re moving and look at houses. I’m don’t know how long we’re going to be there. At first it was just going to be for a weekend, but lately she’s been talking about going out there for a week or so to give us more time. So we’ll see what happens there.

I guess that’s all I have to say. I’m mostly caught on on answering questions from while I was gone, at least the private ones. I’m working on a questions post to answer the anonymous ones. But anytime a lot of messages build up, stuff falls through the cracks.

In fact, before I left on vacation I had almost gotten my inbox completely up to date. And tumblr still showed there were over 60 messages in there when in reality there were maybe 10. That means somewhere around 50 messages got eaten by tumblr over the last several months. They could have been questions, comments, stories, who knows. So if you had a question you never heard back about, that may be why. Feel free to re-send and hopefully we’ll have better luck.

I think that’s everything I wanted to say. BYE.




yes babe your player character looks gnc af now will you please roll initiative

i’m gonna black out

[Image ID: a screenshot of tags that read “#i just now found out that gnc means gender non conforming #i thought it meant gnomecore” /End ID]


big fan of platonic expressions of devotion actually. yeah we’re best friends of course i’d find you and hang out with you in every universe.

Working on filling in this spreadsheet with a generic description of all the townsfolk, like their skin shade and how much vitiligo they have, their hair color, eye color, etc. I felt it important to go look up cattle to get an idea of what kind of colors I could expect. Like we all know about black cows and brown cows and white cows with black spots and stuff, right? But is there anything I’m unfamiliar with?

TURNS OUT that not all brown cows are actually Brown in the way I remember them! There’s brown cows that are actually more like a ginger-red hair color and brown cows that are like… dirt brown. Well! That expands my color palette in ways I wasn’t expecting!

Also discovered shaggy yak-hair cows. Which means now that is an option for hair type.

(Everybody that reads my first chapter really likes Jorgus, a side character that is a little important but not really a major focus of the books. The main characters are Tristan, Alden, and Isolde, with side characters like Jorgus and Tristan’s father getting more page time, and others featuring occasionally in a few scenes. So I’m asking the husband what he thinks Jorgus looks like, what color is his hair/eyes/skin, I show him the cow options, he makes a comment about him having that long yak hair so that when he finally parts his hair he’s Handsome~. And I was like No- and he goes Have him steal the WHOLE show.)

Spent the first couple days of NaNo reworking the scenes I already had in my book, then spent an hour talking about it to my husband and realized I have to rewrite them again. And then he asked me things like “Do you want this character to be prone to emotional outbursts?” in a tone that suggested it was bad and then I got sad. He told me he was just trying to make sure I was making the best story I could, but, you know, oof or whatever.

Today I’ll probably rewrite those scenes to shift the events present in them to a later date so we’re tackling one EVENT at a time.

It was really cute how he mentioned that I was writing to an outline and I had to be like Oh, honey. That outline is already out of date and it’s a broad strokes gesture drawing ass outline. It’s not gospel. When the outline says “Isolde shows up to Tristan’s place and then they go to school together” that isn’t a scene. I gotta expand that out into hundred of more words. Maybe even two chapters. Like. Pfft. Outline.



nicholasbraungf:300122, S.T.
about meabout me


being a human is so annoying all i do is spend money and be sad


u kno…. if u wanted to cuddle with me and watch cartoons…. i wouldnt mind….. u could maybe uhhhh kiss me too…. it would be fine with me ….. whatever tho….
