#absolutely genius









Draco talking to Scorpius and referring to Harry and Albus as “my Potter”and“your Potter”


This is awesome. I need a whole fic of this where Draco and Harry aren’t even together, but it keeps happening when Draco and Scorpius are talking and slowly Scorpius realizes that his father might have some…latent…feelings about “his” Potter.

“So your Potter wants you to spend the night? At his mother’s house? Or at my Potter’s house? Will my Potter be there to supervise?”

Scorpius gave him a strange look. It suddenly occurred to him that his father used that term with… Startling regularity. For someone who for so long proclaimed to hate the man.

“Yes, at Mr. Potter’s house. Just for the night so we can see the game together tomorrow morning.”

“And has my Potter agreed to this?” Draco asked, eyes going sharp.

Scorpius sighed. This really wasn’t normal. “He–”

“I should talk to Potter about it,” his father decided quickly, cutting him off. “My Potter, I mean, of course, not yours.”

Without excusing himself from the table, he got up and marched out of the room. Scorpius looked after him helplessly, wondering if Albus’s father did the same kind of weird stuff. He certainly managed to bring his dad up enough whenever Scorpius went over there.

Draco returned at length and settled back into his chair, placing his napkin over his lap gracefully, as though he hadn’t practically run from the breakfast table only minutes before. There was an odd flush on his cheeks, and he wouldn’t meet Scorpius’s eye.

“Well?” Scorpius finally demanded confused and impatient when the silence had gone on for too long. “What did your Potter say?”

His dad coughed a bit, and took a long drink of water. Stalling, for sure. Scorpius had seen it enough times. His stomach sank; Draco was going to say no.

“It’s fine,” his father said, surprising him. “He even invited both of us to dinner tonight.”

“And you agreed? Dad?” Scorpius asked skeptically. “You dont like Mister Potter. …Right?”

Draco gave a distracted wave of his hand. “It has nothing to do with… Liking someone. Potter, that is, my Potter and I do have a…history, but I will admit that he seems like a very good parent. Your Potter is a fairly decent boy. And, well, it’s important for parents to be in communication when their children are friends. So it won’t hurt to have a check-out of his home,” he added vaguely, looking down at his plate pensively without moving to pick up his fork.

“I guess,” Scorpius said, feeling even more bewildered than before.

“And I won’t stay long. Just though dinner. It won’t spoil your fun with your Potter. You don’t mind, right?” his father asked, finally meeting Scorpius’s eyes again, a touch anxiously. Like he needed… approval?

Scorpius didnt know how this morning could get any stranger. Though Draco could be warm and was probably the best parent ever, in a lot of ways (in Scorpius’s opinion), he’d never shown this kind of uncertainty, before.

Slowly, Scorpius shook his head. “Of course not. You won’t bug us. Stay as long as you want.”

Draco beamed at him, gusting out a relieved sigh, and Scorpius tried not to look too taken aback by it.

“Obviously, I won’t be staying all night, like you,” he said, and for a moment his face flickered, going a bit distracted and dreamy. He snapped out of it and gave Scorpius a more measured smile, then got back up and began walking out. “I should probably find something to wear.”

“But, Dad, your breakfast,” Scorpius objected weakly to his retreating form.

“I’ll eat tonight,” Draco called behind him. “Have the elves find us a good bottle of wine to being over, please.”

Disconcerted, Scorpius stared down at his eggs for a moment before digging in.. So his father wanted to shag Mister Potter? He wondered how he could have missed that for so long. He gave a shrug.

Parents could be so weird.

(@bixgirl1 YAASSSS PLS)

And then cut to when a completely mussed up Draco is creeping (limping) out of Harry’s room at 4 AM carrying his Italian leather shoes in one hand and his outer robes over the other arm and an equally mussed Harry following him in nothing but his boxers and both of them loudly shushing one another as they tiptoe past Albus’ room and Harry then stubs his toe on the coffee table and Draco hisses at him to shut up and ends up inhaling some Floo powder so he has to hack it out and the two of them snog a bit more after they’ve stopped being dorks and Draco almost doesn’t want to leave but Harry’s invited him to join them for breakfast and he can’t still be here when the boys wake up and OMG it’s the start of everything that’s beautiful.

*screeching* omg @l0vegl0wsinthedark you fucking topped it by a mile!!!!!! (Or was that Harry? *side-eyeing Draco’s limp*). Doooo iiiittttt. Do it do it do it!!!!!!! And oh holy fuck what if

they were both so sex dazed and sex crazed that they’d forgotten that Albus and Scorpius had fallen asleep in the living room because they’d stayed up listening to the wireless and both boys are basically staring in shock and awe as their fathers continue to make out, barely dressed and covered in sooty floo powder, Harry pressing Draco against the mantle and Draco hissing in complaint but grabbing at him even more urgently as they kiss. And things start to get heated, but sky is starting to turn gray again through the windows, so Draco drags himself away from Harry’s mouth and says, “Show some patience, Potter.” And Harry laughs and says, “Patience? Who basically shoved me onto the bed and tried to swallow my cock?” And Draco grins, sharp and feral, and they’re both so caught up in gazing at each other that neither hears the boys squeak in dismay. And then Draco finally Leaves and Harry turns to sneak back to his room when he notices Scorpius and Albus both sitting up on the far couch, staring at him with traumatized eyes. And his face gets hot, and he shifts, and finally says, “He forgot his wand here, and just came back to fetch it,” before practically running out. studiously ignoring Albus’s snort of, “Yeah. His wand

The next morning Al and Scorpius wake up, and Scorpius goes to freshen up in the bathroom while Al heads to the kitchen. And when Scorpius comes downstairs, he hears Mr. Potter talking to Al: 

“So, did you have fun with your Malfoy last night?” Harry says.

“Not as much fun as you apparently had with yours”is Al’s joking response.

And Scorpius just shakes his head, sighs, and contents himself with the knowledge that at least all the people he loves are equally as strange as each other.

Besides, he thinks he could get used to the idea of Albus being his.

And@o0o-chibaken-o0o made itperfect




naming my breasts Wellbutrin and Adderall

early reviews are in


Killua, without looking up: You look really nice today.

Kurapika: Oh, thank yo—wait, you’re not even looking??

Killua: I don’t have to. I can hear Leorio’s heartbeat and it doubled when you walked in.


Senritsu, without looking up: You look really nice today.

Kurapika: Oh, thank yo—wait, you’re not even looking??

Senritsu: I dont have to. I can hear Leorio’s heartbeat and it doubled when you walked in.

