#absolutely horrific i hate it






when t-rfs talk about “peaking” people what they’re talking about is grooming btw

they will for real dedicate/circulate entire threads detailing extremely specifically how to recruit people into their ideology, often through explicitly manipulative and sometimes even outright abusive means. they gloat and joke openly about doing it to friends and partners and coworkers and younger siblings and anonymously to young trans people on the internet. you see this happening pretty much everywhere regardless of whatever blog you’ve clicked on and are hate-reading, it’s integral to their entire ideology of which would probably honestly collapse without it yet they accuse trans people of being in a cult

look at any blog in the “des-sted dysphoric” community to see innumerable further examples of this. they wear that title like a badge, very conversion therapy-esque. i’ve seen these people openly discuss how to convince their trans male and transmasculine friends into detransitioning. threads upon threads of advice on how to do this. a lot of times they even journal about it on their blogs, like “omg my TIF friend wants top surgery how do i peak them asap”. this is innately unnatural and predatory behavior

wanted to offer an example of the type of shit they’re spoonfeeding to (usually young) dysphoric people in this community that they’re attempting to indoctrinate, notice that they name-dropped explicitly anti-trans books like abigail shrier’s “irreversible damage” (best-selling in conservative circles for a period of time upon its release) and recommend following “desisters” on social media to establish an echo-chamber
