#absolutely in love with desert whump





favorite ways to keep ur whumpee from getting professional medical care go

They’re a cowboy, injured out in the middle of the desert. When help finally comes, it’s a long wagon/ horse ride to get to the nearest town, where there’s only one doctor, who might not even be in. Whumpee is in a state of turmoil for hours with no pain meds and very basic patching up for hours, with only the hushed words of a kind stranger to soothe them.

Old timey/fantasy settings!! Post apocalyptic settings!

Alternatively, it’s set in modern day or an alternate modern day but the whumper somehow has a huge amount of control or influence and will be able to easily find the whumpee if they go to a hospital

@jaffa i am giving you a platonic hug i was just abt to throw in my own cowboy idea

specifically bounty hunter cowboy trapped in the middle of the desert with a broken leg and the only people who know where he is are criminals he was hunting and they refuse to talk to the search parties
