#ac ketchup


Dear tumblr, I’m sorry for neglecting you.

Have some super cute patterns of my favorite animal crossing villagers as consolation.

Aw, so sweet! I feel like I’m Ketchup with this sort of thing, lol

Oh my god, this is actually really sentimental. I love this. I wasn’t expecting anything from Ione!

THANK YOU IN-GAME HUSBAND!!! I love this sooooo much.

That top line though. XD Thank you, Shino!

Oh my god, Sasha. This low key sounds like a very tentative love confession. It’s super sweet though.

Aw, Sprinkle! This is also something I would totally send! (Why am I a peppy villager???)

Oh my goodness, this makes me want to hug Judy. So sweet!

Aw, Isabelle! I wanna hug her too!!!

So, uh, I totally forgot about this. I forgot that a good chunk of your villagers write to you on Valentines day and, like… I was like “WHAT IS ALL THIS?!” So it was a happy surprise! Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!!!

ketchup. ur not allowed to tell me that when you follow barely a foot behind me and you’re stepping in front of the thing i knocked down

i’m trying to interact with the gyroidite, not you. don’t sass me like this
