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In addition, the “teacher left a door propped open” was debunked by video footage.

In case anyone wants a recap of what happened on Tuesday in regards to the police response (correlated by Brynn Tannehill on Twitter & other sources). Here is the failure we know so far, with more to come out:

- The armed school officer watched him enter the building, didn’t stop him, & just sat & waited for backup. We’ve been told that armed cops assigned to schools were supposed to stop this from ever happening.

- The heavily armed & geared up officers all waited 60 minutes before entering the school while kids bled out, wasting a golden hour. They could have saved the lives of some children who were shot if they had received medical attention in time.

- A child repeatedly called 911 during the hour the gunman was inside, per press briefing. Gunshots could be heard over the line. “Please send the police now,” the child begged. Texas DPS official says the on-scene commander believed the active shooter situation had ended & children were no longer at risk. “It was the wrong decision,” he said.

- The officers tazed, pepper-sprayed, handcuffed, & arrested parents who were begging them to go in, all while still hearing shots being fired inside of the school.

- Angeli Rose Gomez, a mother of 2 students, drove 40 miles to the school when she heard about the shooting. After arriving, she was quickly handcuffed for “intervening in an active crime scene” & eventually persuaded law enforcement to release her. She moved away from the crowd, hopped the school fence, sprinted inside the school to grab her children, & made it out of the school with them alive.

- When officers did enter the school, they went to rescue their own kids rather than deal with the shooter & promptly went back out of the building to resume hanging out with the other officers.

- At one point, a few fathers got fed up, broke a classroom window, & started pulling children out themselves.

- Officers lied & said that the shooter barricaded the door when it was just locked. They said that they were incapable of knocking down or opening the locked door to the classroom where the shooter was, so they had a school employee come do it for them with a key, putting that employee’s life in extreme danger.

- Uvalde SWAT team had done a walkthrough of the school in February to prepare for a situation like this.

- Outside observers say Uvalde police ignored every lesson learned since Columbine.

- When the police did enter the classroom, they failed to neutralize the shooter first. As a result, another child died due to their incompetence because one of the cops hollered out, “Yell if you need help!” A girl called out “Help!” The shooter instantly shot her.

- It was an off-duty border patrol officer who went in & took down the shooter without any backup while the local police were outside handcuffing & tazing parents & claiming they were waiting for more & more & more backup. (This has been updated to say the individual mentioned removed children from the school, not taken down the shooter)

- Initially lied about the timeline, lied about what the shooter was wearing, lied about their response, lied about a “barricade,” lied about multiple details.

- Police is 40% of Uvalde’s budget.

- Initial reports by police that they pursued & pinned down the shooter in a classroom were false. In reality, the shooter had plenty of time & locked himself in a classroom.

*And the best part, because of the Supreme Court decision in Castle Rock v. Gonzales, a 2005 decision delivered by Scalia, no matter how incompetent, cowardly, or negligent officers are, they cannot be held accountable.*

Edit: all this info can be found at Washington Post, NPR, Huffington Post, the Associated Press, NBC, New York Times, & many more, as well as cell phone videos released by the parents at the scene.

They’re also threatening at least one mother with legal action if she keeps on talking

While she was 100% threatened, local judges came forward in support of her and said they would prevent any charges being pressed btw! however, she was not the only parent threatened into silence. police are trying to bully parents into covering their asses
