

Being disabled is expensive and I don’t think abled people (unless they live with a disabled person) realise how expensive it is. Even the people who are fourtunate enough to get full benefits (and many people don’t even when they are entitled to it and need it) and state support are still struggling and can’t afford everything they need.

And yet, Disabled people still have to deal with people saying how lucky they are or how unfair it is that they get “all that extra money” when in reality they are struggling and can’t afford all the care or accessibility they actually need.

Hi Critters! Thanks to everyone who’s been joining in our weekly describing hour. We’re still going every Thursday from 5-6pm PST. Today’s Thursday, so come say hi tonight and maybe describe an image or two!

This week we’ll be working on the 11/18: Love and Loss gallery. Join in if you can, and spread the word!

Check under the read more for answers to common questions.

What is the CR Fanart Project?

We are a project dedicated to describing the fanart that Critical Role compiles every week into a gallery. Whenever a gallery is completely described and edited, we send it off to the CR team. They put those descriptions in the alt-text for each image on the website. You can find all of the galleries we have worked on, both in-progress and finished, right here!

How does this work?

Every week, Critical Role publishes a gallery of fanart on their website. We at CR Fanart Project then make a google doc for describing the gallery. Once a gallery is completely described, it is edited and sent off to the CR team.

Who writes these descriptions?

Volunteers like you! This is entirely a labor of love from the Critter community.

How do I help?

Click here to go to our master google doc for the project. From there, you can select which gallery you would like to work on. Once you open the google doc for a particular gallery, you will see at the top a link to the gallery on the Critical Role website. The images in the gallery are numbered (which you can see by clicking on an image). The docs are also numbered, so the description for an image goes next to the corresponding number in the google doc. From there you can start writing!

We try to work on the most recent galleries first, but you can choose whichever you would like. Any help at all is appreciated!

How do I write image descriptions?

One of our mods, JD (keplercryptids), has a great post about it here!

Why write image descriptions?

JD also has a great post about that here!

What is CR Fanart Describing Hour?

It is a weekly hour-long event where people can work all together on describing the latest fanart galleries! This event is on Thursdays from 5-6pm PST.For the duration of the hour, whoever wants to join works on writing descriptions for one of the galleries. When we finish one, we’ll move on to the next. This is a great way to make big bursts of progress on the galleries - plus it’s more fun to work all together!

Can I work on describing the galleries outside of the weekly hour?

Absolutely! We appreciate anybody working on the galleries at any hour.

Could we do more than one hour a week?

We are definitely interested in the idea of doing more than one hour a week, but for now we’ll start off small. If things go well, maybe we’ll add another time!

Could we do the hour at a different time/day?

Go ahead and send feedback about when you would like it to be! We tried picking a time that would work for the most people, but if enough people favor a different time slot then we may consider changing it.

Any other questions? Send us an ask!
