#ace attorney


malmal photo study (ft herlock)

she said she hated his guts

ace attorney gaslight streamer dlc

the fuzzy members of the justice-gavin householdthe fuzzy members of the justice-gavin household

the fuzzy members of the justice-gavin household

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love clay. love clay and klavier bonding. however, for your consideration: slightly-bitchy overprotelove clay. love clay and klavier bonding. however, for your consideration: slightly-bitchy overprotelove clay. love clay and klavier bonding. however, for your consideration: slightly-bitchy overprotelove clay. love clay and klavier bonding. however, for your consideration: slightly-bitchy overprotelove clay. love clay and klavier bonding. however, for your consideration: slightly-bitchy overprote

love clay. love clay and klavier bonding. however, for your consideration: slightly-bitchy overprotective best friend.

[Image 1 ID: Two waist-up doodles of Clay Terran from Ace Attorney. In both he’s wearing a v-neck short-sleeved shirt and no hat. In one he has has his hands on his waist, and stares to the side with a vaguely stern expression. In the other, he has his arms crossed and looks angry.]

[Image 2 ID: A sketchbook doodle of Clay and Apollo. Both are wearing v-neck short-sleeved shirts and jeans. Clay has his visor on and a jacket tied around his waist. He holds his hand up to his mouth to mutter something to Apollo with his other hand in his pocket. Apollo leans against a waist-height fence with both hands, mouth open to reply. Both are looking at something out-of frame together.]

[Image 3 ID: A waist-up sketchbook picture of Klavier, Clay, and Apollo. Klavier and Clay stand in the foreground. Klavier is smiling, emitting flowers and sparkles. Clay is smiling but tense and frustrated, glaring at Klavier. Both have their hands in their pockets. In the background of their standoff, smaller and more cartoonish, a frustrated and concerned Apollo warns Clay to behave, pointing at him sternly.]

[Image 4 ID: A knee-up sketchbook picture of Klavier and Apollo. Both are wearing casual clothes, Apollo with a hoodie and jeans, Klavier with a deep v-neck short sleeve shirt tucked into high-waisted shorts. Klavier is wearing a Gavinner’s necklace with a thin chain/wire. He has one hand in his pocket and is holding the other over Apollo’s head teasingly, evidently teasing him about his height. Apollo has both hands in his hoodie pockets, glaring off to the side and blushing as he tries to storm away.]

[Image 5 ID: A chest-up doodle of Clay and Apollo. Both have take-out coffee cups. Clay, looking disgruntled, says, “if I did that to you I’d lose the hand.” Apollo, flustered and annoyed, says “So?” Clay replies, “is it because he’s prettier than me?” to which Apollo replies “shut UP.”]

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the intimacy of sleeping, literally, with someone. nice. cozy[Image 1 ID: A sketchbook doodle of Klathe intimacy of sleeping, literally, with someone. nice. cozy[Image 1 ID: A sketchbook doodle of Kla

the intimacy of sleeping, literally, with someone. nice. cozy

[Image 1 ID: A sketchbook doodle of Klavier and Apollo from Ace Attorney, sleeping together. The blankets are tucked up under their armpits and pillows are under their heads. Both are asleep with their hair down. Apollo is drooling a little. Klavier spoons him. There’s a cat curled up asleep on the pillows by Apollo’s head, and a dog sleeping beside Klavier, also tucked under the blankets up to her neck.]

[Image 2 ID: A sketchbook picture of Klavier and Apollo. They are horizontal on an unknown surface. Klavier is lying down on his back with a pillow under his head, with Apollo draped on top of him. His hair is pulled over his shoulder in a ponytail. Apollo’s torso is between Klavier’s propped-up knees. Klavier has his arms wrapped around Apollo’s body at awkward angles so he can continue reading a book even with Apollo asleep on top of him. Apollo’s face is a little squished from resting against Klavier’s chest; Klavier is smiling faintly.]

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moooore oc kid you cant escape[Image 1 ID: A sketchbook drawing of Apollo Justice from Ace Attorney moooore oc kid you cant escape[Image 1 ID: A sketchbook drawing of Apollo Justice from Ace Attorney moooore oc kid you cant escape[Image 1 ID: A sketchbook drawing of Apollo Justice from Ace Attorney moooore oc kid you cant escape[Image 1 ID: A sketchbook drawing of Apollo Justice from Ace Attorney moooore oc kid you cant escape[Image 1 ID: A sketchbook drawing of Apollo Justice from Ace Attorney moooore oc kid you cant escape[Image 1 ID: A sketchbook drawing of Apollo Justice from Ace Attorney

moooore oc kid you cant escape

[Image 1 ID: A sketchbook drawing of Apollo Justice from Ace Attorney lifting a toddler in his arms, knee-up. He is wearing a short sleeved t-shirt and jeans, and smiling as he kisses the toddler on the face. The toddler is facing away, but has short, curly hair. He is wearing a short-sleeved hoodie and sweatpants.]

[Image 2 ID: A waist-up drawing of Apollo carrying the toddler done on lined notebook paper. Apollo is scowling toward the viewer, and holding the child defensively. The child is facing the viewer but holding onto Apollo nervously.]

[Image 3 ID: A waist-up drawing of the artist’s fan-child for Apollo and Klavier, Theodore, as a slightly older young child, doodled on lined notebook paper. Theodore now has longer hair, still fluffy but enough for a short ponytail at his nape. He is wearing another short-sleeved hoodie and a skirt, and carrying a stuffed rabbit. He looks nervous.]

[Image 4 ID: A waist-up sketchbook drawing of Klavier holding toddler Theodore. Klavier is wearing a shirt with ¾-length sleeves and a wide neckline, with some kind of sweater or jacket tied around his waist. He smiles as he supports Theodore so that the child can sit upright in his arms. Theodore is holding onto the twist of Klavier’s hair, and very seriously telling him something.]

[Image 5 ID: a chest-up doodle of Klavier and toddler Theodore done on lined notebook paper. Theodore tearfully wails PAPAAA— as he clutches at Klavier’s shoulders. Klavier is smiling as he hugs Theodore, saying “shh”]

[Image 6 ID: a doodle of toddler Theodore on lined notebook paper. Theodore is chewing and drooling on his own hand, with the wide-eyed innocent curiosity of childhood. Apollo’s arm reaches into view, as he says “Ted—” and “Teddy pls don’t”]

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i was, as im sure you can guess, having a very good and normal day when i drew all of these apollos i was, as im sure you can guess, having a very good and normal day when i drew all of these apollos i was, as im sure you can guess, having a very good and normal day when i drew all of these apollos

i was, as im sure you can guess, having a very good and normal day when i drew all of these apollos in the span of twenty minutes.

[Image descriptions: Three images, all waist-up doodles of Apollo Justice from Ace Attorney shouting “I’M FINE!!” The first image contains two doodles, one of which shows him both more flustered and angrier. In the second image, he is flustered but less angry, and appears to be backing up or defensive. In the third image, he is shouting it at Klavier, who looks fond but tired, saying “Ach, Schatz, my poor ears…” as he leans toward Apollo. In this image, Apollo’s “I’M FINE!” is written in big red block letters.]

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apollo 5 minutes from now, hugging a weeping klavier: the fuck did you say to him[Image ID: A two-pa

apollo 5 minutes from now, hugging a weeping klavier: the fuck did you say to him

[Image ID: A two-panel comic with white figures on a green gradient background. Ema Skye from Ace Attorney is speaking to Klavier Gavin. In the first panel, Ema is seen from the front and Klavier is seen from the back; in the second, Klavier is seen from the front and Ema is seen from the back. Ema is “speaking” a text post by tumblr user jame7t, which reads “your boyfriend is too small he fell into the bong and died,” then as an addition, “We smoked him. Sorry”. In the first panel Ema looks slightly disgruntled. In the second panel, Klavier looks distraught. Apollo stands in the background of the second panel, glancing over at Klavier and Ema, looking confused.]

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assorted kristophs from twt… studying this guy under a microscope and whatnot assorted kristophs from twt… studying this guy under a microscope and whatnot assorted kristophs from twt… studying this guy under a microscope and whatnot assorted kristophs from twt… studying this guy under a microscope and whatnot assorted kristophs from twt… studying this guy under a microscope and whatnot assorted kristophs from twt… studying this guy under a microscope and whatnot

assorted kristophs from twt… studying this guy under a microscope and whatnot

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[hands you more fambly] [hands you more fambly] [hands you[hands you more fambly] [hands you more fambly] [hands you

[hands you more fambly] [hands you more fambly] [hands you

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trying to get better about posting my twitter backlog over here so heres fambly <3

trying to get better about posting my twitter backlog over here so heres fambly <3

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 “He clutched onto his foolish pride too fiercely… and died for it.” [Image description: A di

“He clutched onto his foolish pride too fiercely… and died for it.”

[Image description: A digital drawing in a slightly lineless and textured style. The piece is of Phoenix Wright from Ace attorney, drawn without his jacket on and kneeling on the floor with his back to the viewer. He is hunched over, shaking slightly and clutching a red suit jacket to his face. The colour from the jacket seems to be seeping onto his fingers, dripping to the floor like blood into a puddle. Both the background and floor are black, only the red liquid and a crumpled sheet of paper standing out against the dark floor. /End image description] desc provided by @toadstoolillustrations

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guy who is literally just sitting there !

guy who is literally just sitting there !

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