#ace reaction



Quite often Yuchan would give you his attention without even realising that he was doing it. His eye can’t help but look, and his ear definitely can’t help but listen for your laughter whenever he knows you’re around.


When the two of you bicker, you usually use others around you in hysterics too because of how ridiculous you can get towards one another. No one can ever really believe the things that come out of your mouths when you bicker as you both have a determination to try and outlast the other when chatting.


It’s the one time that Yuchan is serious around you, when you need comforting. He knows as your best friend that he needs to be there for you, and he absolutely is. He won’t laugh or joke, he’ll give you a comfortable space to feel as if you can talk about what’s on your mind and also feel supported by him.


On the rare occasion that the two of you argue, they never usually last for too long. Yuchan especially will make the effort to talk to you and understand where things weren’t wrong so that you both could fix it. The two of you had a pretty good understanding of one another anyway, but when a disagreement did arise you made sure to find out where things went wrong so you could learn something new about each other.


Because you met in a professional capacity, the two of you found yourselves talking mainly because it was your job to. You tended to keep the conversation very strict between the two of you at the start, but that wasn’t what Yuchan wanted. The more time that he spent with you, the more time that he spent trying to get to know you better, encouraging you to relax and be friendly rather than professional.


Yuchan’s family were big fans of you, they were constantly reminding him not to let you go. They only ever wanted what was best for Yuchan and having you as a best friend was definitely one of those things. Every single time that they saw you, they made sure to remind Yuchan of just how great they thought you were, and he knew too that he was lucky, without them having to drill it into him.


When the two of you hung out, you’d work off of impulse, neither of you ever really knew what you wanted to do. You loved to just see what took your fancy, whether it was something local, or if you fancied a drive heading further out to the outskirts of the city to see if you could find something new to get up to.


The two of you had a habit of knowing exactly when the other was going through a difficult time. The lack of smiles on your faces would speak volumes straight away to one another, but even just when you were speaking to one another on the phone you could tell straight away when things weren’t alright.


His funny antics especially left you and Yuchan with many inside jokes between you both, as you never let him forget the ones where he left himself feeling embarrassed especially. You loved to use them to get Yuchan to do things for you as he never wanted anyone else to know about his humiliating moments.


Getting jealous wasn’t something that happened very often for Yuchan, he didn’t care about most of your other friends as he knew that he would always be your best friend and that no one else would be better than him. If someone wanted to try and get close to you, Yuchan often couldn’t help but just laugh at them as he knew that they would never get anywhere near threatening his role as your best friend.


Yuchan got a kick out of making you jump, he was constantly hiding and jumping out on you to make you laugh, or scream. You were constantly on your toes as you never quite knew where Yuchan would come from as he kept finding new places to hide, spots that he knew that you’d never expect him to be too.


He loved how well the two of you worked together, Yuchan always had fun whenever he was with you. Even if you weren’t at work and doing something silly like trying to win a toy at the arcade or deciding on how to organise your snacks so that they fitted in the cupboard to hide them from everyone else, the two of you were a great team, there were never any arguments or cross words at each other.


The two of you first met when you were hired as a dancer for one of the group’s stages. You were shy to say the least when you first met as you’d heard several of the group’s songs, but Yuchan especially made you feel welcome and showed you the ropes which was how your friendship started.


Most people saw Yuchan as the funny guy, but you saw that to a whole new extreme, he didn’t care what he looked like around you, he would embarrass more than he did around anyone else when he was with you.


Yuchan was obsessed with your laughter, it was always a sound that he welcomed. Your happiness was something that Yuchan was particularly fond of and something that he always wanted to see with you too.


The moments that meant the most to Yuchan were the ones when the two of you were up on stage together. He especially loved when you danced more alongside him, being able to see your smile and your passion in dance often gave him the motivation to perform a little bit better too so that everything went perfectly.


He never shied away from asking you for advice, most people knew too that Yuchan relied on you a lot. Even if it was a stupid question, Yuchan knew that you’d always try and answer it seriously for him.


Whenever he introduced you to a member of staff, he would introduce you first as his best friend, and then as a dancer. He did it mainly because he was proud to be able to call you his best friend, but also slightly as he wanted to make sure that none of the staff members tried to get too close to you.


Your encouragement was one of Yuchan’s favourite things because you always made things sound so positive. He especially loved it if you were working with him as you could support him right before he went out on stage which was usually when the nerves started to eat away and trouble him the most.


One of the advantages of having you working with the group meant that you went on many of their group trips too. Yuchan loved nothing more than when he saw you on the list of dancers flying out with them.


He couldn’t wish for anyone better than you, you were the best friend that he had dreamed of having when he was younger.


Quite often Yuchan would visit you at work and see what it was that you were getting up to. If you were working on something for the group, then he would never say no to a sneak preview of what that was.


He was like a box of advice for you, Yuchan always had something to say to try and make life just a tiny little bit easier for you.


For the most part the two of you were quite affectionate, however if you needed not to be for some reason then you’d absolutely respect that. You knew when it was alright to joke and when to behave yourselves.


You were his pride, he loved showing you off and bragging about how talented you were.


The moment it seemed even just the tiniest bit unsafe for you to drive home, Yuchan would make you stay with him. He refused to let you put yourself in even the slightest bit of harm by driving late at night especially.

