#aceites esenciales



Witchcraft and Essential oils

Essential oils are a wonderful tool for any witch, no matter the path. There are hundreds of oils and combination oils that it can overwhelming. Here is a list of some more common, beneficial oils.

Allspice: Reduces stress, calms, relaxes tight muscles, up lifts mood, improves digestion, naturally disinfects

Basil: Calms, relieves pain, relieves fatigue, improves mental clarity, purifies the body

Cardamon: Relieves pain, up lifts mood, improves digestion, improves mental clarity and memory

Catnip: Anti diarrheal, relieves indigestion, relieves anxiety, up lifts mood

Chamomile: Reduces anxiety, promotes restful sleep and relaxation, relieves pain

Cinnamon: Relieves pain, uplifts mood, relieves fatigue, naturally disinfects, improves digestion, increases appetite

Clove: Relieves pain, up lifts mood, improves mental clarity, improves digestion, naturally disinfects

Coriander: Relieves pain, relieves fatigue, improves digestion, improves mental clarity and memory

Eucalyptus: Breaks up congestion, relieves pain, naturally disinfects, vapors help with breathing

Frankincense: Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, improves digestion, expectorant, sedative

Geranium: Relieves pain and tension, uplifts mood, anti-inflammatory, soothes itchy skin

Ginger: Relieves pain, uplifts mood, relieves fatigue, improves digestion, increases appetite

Juniper Berries: Relieves pain, energize, improve mental clarity and memory, anti-inflammatory, repels insects, soothes insect bites

Lavender: Relieves stress and anxiety, promotes restful sleep, uplifts mood, balances mood swings, vapors help breathing, improves digestion, naturally disinfects, breaks up congestion 

Lemon: Balances the nervous system, uplifts mood, relieves fatigue, improves mental clarity and memory, naturally disinfects

Lemon Balm: Relieves anxiety and stress, promotes restful sleep

Lemongrass: Calms, balances nervous system, uplifts mood, anti-inflammatory, vapors help with breathing, improves digestion, naturally disinfects, repels insects

Lime: Relieves fatigue, uplifts mood, naturally disinfects, improves mental clarity and memory

Mandarin: Reduces stress and tension, calms, uplifts mood

Myrrh: helpful in meditation, uplifts mood, anti-inflammatory, aids in healing skin

Neroli/Orange Blossom: Remove nervous tension, promotes restful sleep

Nutmeg: Relaxes tight muscles, relieves pain, improves digestion

Palmarosa: Relaxes tight muscles, relieves pain, uplifts mood, helps regenerate skin, anti-inflammatory

Peppermint: Relieves pain, uplifts mood, relieves fatigue, breaks up congestion, anti-inflammatory, vapors help with breathing, improves digestion, increases appetite, soothes itchy skin, improves mental clarity and memory

Petitgrain: Reduces anxiety and stress, promotes restful sleep, uplifts mood, improves mental clarity and memory

Pine: Lessens pain, uplifts mood, relieves fatigue, breaks up congestion, naturally disinfects, improves mental clarity and memory

Rose: Relieves pain, uplifts mood, anti-inflammatory, aids in healing skin

Rosemary: Relieves pain, stimulates nerves, relieves fatigue, vapors help with breathing, improves digestion, improves mental clarity and memory, naturally disinfects, repels insects

Spearmint: Relieves pain, uplifts mood, relieves fatigue, breaks up congestion, anti-inflammatory, vapors help with breathing, improves digestion, improves appetite, soothes itchy skin

Tea Tree: Relieves pain, naturally disinfects, aids in healing skin, vapors help with breathing (Witch Tip: Great when diluted for acne prone skin)

Thyme: Relaxes tight muscles, relieves pain, uplifts mood, breaks up congestion, anti-inflammatory, improves digestion, increases appetite, improves mental clarity and memory, naturally disinfects

Ylang-ylang: Relaxes tight muscles, relieves pain, promotes restful sleep, uplifts mood, naturally disinfects

**  It is extremely important to DILUTE essential oils or else they can burn the skin. Using a carrier oil or water can help dilute the oils safely. Examples of carrier oils are olive oil, coconut oil and almond oil. 

** Remember to store your essential oils in dark, cool places to keep them from spoiling. 

** Do your research when using essential oils witches. Especially if you have sensitive skin, are pregnant or breastfeeding.   
