

Loose Lips Sink Ships Prompt of the Day:

THE PACIFIC, Andrew ‘Ack-Ack’ Haldane/Edward 'Hillbilly’ Jones, One of them has a secret stash of poetry he’s written about the other. Who writes it, who finds it, and is it any good left it up to the author.

Loose Lips Sink Ships Prompt of the Day:

THE PACIFIC, Andrew ‘Ack-Ack’ Haldane/Edward 'Hillbilly’ Jones, Post War AU: Eddie’s never lived outside of the military. Adjusting to civilian life, even with Andy at his side, is a challenge.

Loose Lips Sink Ships Prompt of the Day:

“THE PACIFIC, Andrew ‘Ack-Ack’ Haldane/Edward 'Hillbilly’ Jones, Everybody lives AU, but that means they have to live with longterm effects of their injuries too.”
