


reiner can feel the rhythm of bertholdt’s heart. it echoes through his bones in painful knocks and lines. it weeps in the blood that seeps through his veins like honey. he can feel it in every step he takes: the steady drum of his life, keeping count as time trickles onward and leaves the past behind. it sings in his body and it bellows in his mind. it pounds in his dreams until his ears bleed. 

but reiner does not mind. for as long as he can feel bertholdt’s heartbeat inside his own, he can believe that bertholdt is still alive. 


bertholdt comes home one day and finds reiner lying on their bed half-naked with a shit ton of candles and some rose petals or whatever, and he’s like “what-” but reiner holds up a finger and he’s like “shh don’t talk just listen” and he leans over and plays a record on their portable baby blue victrola turntable and the bass bumps sensually for a moment before percy sledge starts crooning his 1966 classic “when a maaaaaaan loves a womaaaaan~”

and bertholdt’s just like :/
