#acnh diary


No I didn’t forget about this blog and I’m still playing every day like the addict I am. It’s just that I usually use it to relax and forget to upload screenshots.. eventhough I still take wayyyy too many.

Anyway, I should queue some posts up sometime.. but now I’ve to go back to playing.

How others enjoy their first day diving:

How I enjoy my first day diving:



Realised around half past one that acnhs summer update launches on three am german time. So obviously I waited for it.. only to jump into the water once. It’s now seven am, made approx 300k in sea creatures and sharks… still hunting for that one palm tree bug.. but overall very content.

What do you mean I have a problem? No! I’m completely normal!

Funny thing, when I went to save my game and go to sleep, a friend logged in for her morning routine. Oops.

I wasn’t kidding. Totally worth feeling like a zombie today.

Was there an update? I never got an announcement for shooting stars like this before?

What an odd place to train Tony… but you do you.

That was immediately after loading up.. on the title screen he was still training normally on the plaza… is he hiding? From me? While I’m cosplaying Pancake boy? Nahhh.

My mum celebrated her sixtieth birthday last week so we visited some family. So I got to play with my little cousin in person and we spend a lot of time watching animal crossing memes and hang around in our islands.

:) it was fun.

I’m sometimes really surprised about how hard look on my neighbours. By the way, poldi is really rocking that outfit.

Also whenever I put in this helmet the villager just looks so.. sad..


Today I cosplayed Akechi while watching my friend play Persona 5 next to me. But only his sweater version because he looks so soft and cuddly in it.

Further cosplay time featuring Akechi in his little office and the TV station. Yes I’m having way too much fun with that. And yes I should’ve changed into his school uniform for the TV station photos but I didn’t want to.

At first I never really used Harvey’s island, but now that I’ve got much more furniture I catch myself spending more and more time here.

Today I cosplayed Akechi while watching my friend play Persona 5 next to me. But only his sweater version because he looks so soft and cuddly in it.

The last few days I spend mostly chilling on my island again.. expanded my flower farm and finally crafted that sick piano. Started to set up a diner but don’t really have enough fitting furniture.

I’m mostly talking to my neighbours and take weird photos. :)


Oh my god I just realised neighbours can now take over each other’s catchphrases. I thought I was imagining it when Poldi used Hamid’s a few days ago but it happened again!

That’s adorable!

Now Michael took over the catchphrase!

Usually everyone works out in their front yards or the town square… seeing her do yoga at the beach encapsulates everything I want from my island.

Having my cousin over is sometimes strenuous but also quite fun. And she never grows tired of playing hide and seek with me (yay) eventhough she never wins. Even if mum tries to eat me out I’ve the phone. Well, I’ve had years in the art of animal crossing hide and seek, I’m a veteran!

Bonus: I found out that that roaches still exist. I’m weirdly pleased by that. XD

I love putting my neighbours into ridiculous clothes for photos. Unfortunately most wear their hats weirdly between their ears.. but Toni.. I dunno, I didn’t expect that.

If you’re not putting on the most ugly clothes as soon as someone is visiting you, are you even playing?

Kids these days, always use their smartphones instead of the perfectly fine phone box next to them.

(I don’t even know, I found it funny when I took the screenshot. Also please let me know if anyone has a blue phone box.)

How come in the title screen half my island chills at the town hall but as soon as I leave my house everyone has fled to their houses?

(Also I’m in hide mode.)

No it can’t be because of my horrible taste in fashion.

When I redecorated my living room I did it on Harvey’s island first. Why? Cause doing it in my house (which was completely cluttered and a had a full storage) would’ve been a massive pain. And h I ha chess to the whole catalogue was great.

And then I used the occasion to put my favs into the room and take domestic photos. I’m unreasonably proud of my tv console by the way xD

Because some people won’t see many fireworks this year… I’m really glad ACNH fills the void a bit…

Unfortunately I didn’t have a good view for the 2021 number ^~^

Happy New Year 2021!

I messed up the timing but it was fun!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Hope everyone has a good time in this weird year!

Look at me and my new buddy!

Damn I wish I could use a sledge in rl… but there’s no snow :(

I love the trees! Everything is so pretty? But I don’t have many Christmas diys :(

Playing hide and seek with my snow balls.. but I get the feeling they are cheating…

My snowmen army and me!

Okay but real talk, is anyone else’s snowman mechanic very buggy? My snowballs keep disappearing and re- and despawning at random.

Apparently I’m infecting my neighbours with my interest in psychology. How did that happen?

Don’t you dare! Don’t you dare contemplating ditching my island! You haven’t given me your photo yet!

I forgot to post on Halloween but damn I love the aesthetics. Wish halloween Part 2 were a thing.

Because my acnh character was way too put together, I gave her a little makeover. Mussed hair (I wish there were a messy braid) and fluffy clothes.. that’s exactly me right now.

My new buddy fell asleep watching our new tree grow ❤️

Autumn in full swing, outfitted in knitwear, waiting for a friend to call.


Getting asked if I’m in the store to hoard essentials for the end of the world just hits different right now.

Goodbye Summer.

And thank you ACNH for the feeling of freedom and home those last few months. I can’t put into words how booting up the game relaxes me still every day…

Clicking for mildly improved quality :)

Mum and me watched the fireworks…

We had lots of fun, especially with the customisation. We made one with my cousins face and sent her a screenshot (which I won’t post here for reasons).

That’s mums favourite by the way.

Is it Dear Leader Day already?

I’m sorry, I’m trying to follow the concert here?? What’s going on??

The last few months I bonded way too much with my neighbours…

They’re all so active and carefree…

Quirky and … imaginative… with new nicknames.

I’m so happy spend time with them.

I hate this thing with passion! The hours I spent throwing hundreds of bait into the sea just to life this damn thing in. “Not rare” my ass. The spawn chances for this fish are rigged.
