#acotar critical



I hate how Sarah just introduces new information when it fits the narrative and forgets about it as soon as it’s not convenient anymore.

Like how Nesta knew how to shoot with a bow perfectly well during the rite, because Feyre had taught her even though Feyre told us the contrary in the previous books. All of that because she needed to find a way for this scene to work out.

Or how suddenly Nesta told Tamlin she would not take Feyre’s place when he barged in their cabin the first time, even though it never happened. All of that because she needed for the readers to think she had to atone for that, to make us think she was a bitch in that scene.

Or Rhysand’s abuse by Amarantha, which she used for angst in ACOMAF but abandoned as soon as she didn’t need this part of his past anymore. Never to be heard about again.
