#adam is the best bday gift indeed



HERE IT IS an actual full blown oneshot that’s NOT 500 words lmao here you go

Adam is worried that his birthday surprise sucks

Rated T for implied sex



Crystal lights twirled around the bedpost like vines, creating a lukewarm hue over the white comforter. A few blankets, beige and forest green, were lazily thrown on top, and mounds and mounds of all the pillows Adam could find were neatly organized in front of the headboard. He had sprinkled some fake rose petals—because he’d be damned if he even thought of using real ones—near the bottom of the bed and some on the floor. Small white candles were meticulously placed on each of the side tables, out of the way of anything that could catch on fire. Adam made a mental note to blow them out before any…actions took place. It would be unfortunate to have to call the fire department in the midst of love.

Nevertheless, everything came out perfectly, from the warm lighting to the subtle smell of peppermint and cypress trees. The bed looked amazingly fluffy and comfortable, and Adam grew excited at just the thought of sinking into it with his husband hovering over him, giving him thank you kisses, whispering sweet nothings into skin, rolling his hips against his….

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