

I wish you all a very happy New Year!

FYJH has just undergone a URL change. The blog will now be under the URL Japanese-History.tumblr.com

This change is coming in a package deal of streamlining the theme and attempting to professionalize the blog.

Thank you for your continued support.

My apologies for the extended hiatus. The end of the semester and finals week took top priorities for a while.

I’m currently filling the queue with loads of Japanese history goodies, so if you have any requests on specific content or general time periods- please let me know!

Thanks for your patience.

Hey guys,

Okay, I’ve had a look around at other hosting options and the one I’m going to try is newTumbl.

It has the same functionality as Tumblr and it allows adult content.

Please be sure to sign up for an account (it’s free) and follow my newTumbl.


Please re-blog this message to help me spread the word.

I will be posting more new edited videos, each which will include a link so that you can download it!

See you there!


Posting new videos at my blog: https://mrsicko.newtumbl.com/

You have to join Newtumbl but it’s free and easy.

So come over to https://mrsicko.newtumbl.com/ and follow me!!

Please re-blog this post to help me spread the word.


Mr. Sicko


I’ve been thinking a bit about this blog and… okay, so I get a decent number of asks/messages, and they’re pretty split: many of them are “hey look at this cool supernatural thing! can we talk about it in Jewish/halachic terms!” or “hey I have this halachic question!” while others are “is this antisemitism?” or “are Jews white?” or “can I convert?” or “can I call myself part of x/y/z group?” 

In the past, I’ve answered both types of questions, albeit occasionally uncomfortably. I am not going to do this going forward

I will continue to happily answer all of the weird halacha and similar questions from a Jewish perspective as thoroughly as I have been doing so far (… and probably with the same time delays… I’m sorry…). But I do not have the mental or emotional energy, or the expertise, to answer the second group of questions. That is not what this blog is for. 

Thank you all for understanding. 

My aesthetic is going dead quiet for a couple weeks, then reappearing and answering a bunch of asks, and then (probably, I’M SORRY) going dead quiet for another couple of weeks. (In my defense, asks tend to take a while to research and draft, so I work on a couple at once for a little while. Also, I answer some privately, so I’m not posting those but I am putting in work.)
