#admins needed



As you guys may have noticed, this blog has unfortunatelyturned somewhat inactive over some time. 

That being said, I am looking for new admins for this blog. I, myself, have several other blogs that I run, as well as my co-owner. So, am looking for 2 (possibly 3) more admins to keep this blog as active as possible. We have over 15K followers on this blog and I will literally die before I let this blog crash and burn for all the rebels on here! Therefore, if you feel that you have the time, dedication, motivation, and are willing to take on the responsibility, please feel free to copy and paste the info below, fill it out, and submit it in! 


Age (18+ only)

Location/Time Zone

KKT/Messenger/Phone# to text/Other form of contact in-case I need to reach you immediately or ASAP

Native language:

Fluent in Korean (for translations)?:

Blog URL (main blog, please)

How long have you been a rebel?:

Favorite song by Dean?

Hours of online availability

Type of maker (gifs, ff writer, tumblr codes, photoshop, editor, etc:

Any other information that you’d like to offer?:

I’ll be looking over applications during the following week, and will hopefullyhave the new admins selected and inducted by the 1st of November (next Friday). You will have pretty much free reign of this blog. It somewhat needs a good makeover in terms of the theme/layout. Make pages for fics, requests, asks/answers, make gifs, videos, graphics, etc… If i have further questions for you, I will message you on your tumblr. 

Thank you guys so, so, so, so, very much. Creating this blog over a year ago, solelyfor the purpose of posting the IG dm conversation that I had with Dean, the post almost immediately went viral, and I would have neverdreamt that it would be where it is now. It’s mindblowing. Seriously. And I owe it all to you! I love you all so much! 

Long Live #RebelNation
