#adoption-industrial complex




I feel like I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again and probably elaborate later but adoption is not a “solution” to abortion. Pregnant people are not incubators that exist for adoptive parents, babies forced to be alive should not be commodities to buy and sell. Private adoption agencies have lobbied for right wing anti-choice policies and politicians because they know they will profit off that that. You’ll hear “there’s an shortage of babies to adopt” because in America it’s completely normalized to sell children and if that leaves an icky taste in your mouth it’s because at the end of the day it’s simply true. And they price those children by race and gender, it’s wrong, but it is simply a fact.


I feel like it should be said America is one of the only countries this is normalized. A lot of people from other countries would give us a horrified look because this sounds beyond the pale and dystopian. But for some reason we’re made to believe it’s normal. And that’s not to dunk on my fellow Americans as much as point out that we’re fed propaganda to believe this is normal when it is in fact a hold over by private adoption agencies from Georgia Tann stealing + profiting off of the human trafficking of children.
