#adrien agrest


Ok but can we talk about glaciator 2???

What was that?? Thomas on his usual shit.

So the episode starts with chat noir and ladybug fighting Andre the Ice cream man who has turned to glaciator for the second time and everyone talking about what a cute couple chat noir and ladybug are. Ladybug defeats the villain and tells chat to stop making jokes or calling them a couple and chat continues.

This is not the first time he does this. I’ve actually called the show out on not addressing the fact that chat/Adrien constantly disregards ladybug’s boundaries, and seems to think that chat/Adrien are in the right when it comes to this.

She gets upset and tells him to stop. He finally gets the message (while low key manipulating his words to make ladybug seem like the bad guy, though I’m sure this wasn’t on purpose it was still shitty)

He finally comes to the correct conclusion that he has to stop and he’s making ladybug uncomfortable and what he’s doing is wrong and he keeps crossing boundaries ladybug sets.

He then deletes all his photos of ladybug

(which admittedly is more then Marinette has done. She’s also obsessive and needs to stop but at least she’s not crossing boundaries. Adrien’s never told her to stop, to be fair this could be because he doesn’t know how creepy she is.)

We then have Marinette see Adrien crying and she gets happy?? For a show that INSISTS Marinette “loves” (she doesn’t.) And cares about Adrien. You’d think she’d get sad that he’s sad. But no. She gets happy that he’s sad because she can use it to her advantage to get what she wants. She’s creepy, obsessive and weird to the point where it’s genuinely disturbing. The show can not convince me she cares about Adrien even as a friend let alone a partner when it shows a scene of her getting happy that he’s sad.

She then goes on to have another disasterous interaction with him. She then has a “practice session” with chat which was actually really fun and funny, best interaction between characters in the whole show tbh

Then glaciator attacks and then… Adrien gets his pictures of ladybug back. Plagg asks why and Adrien says he’s learned something from Marinette

at the end, what does Adrien learn? That he should ignore ladybug’s boundaries and ignore lady bug telling him to stop and he should continue this behavior she asked him to not do and continue making her feel uncomfortable. Because that’s what we should be teaching children.

What was this?? Horrible episode.

So! Me and my brother are watching season 4 of miraculous ladybug, at one point we forgot what had happened in style queen so we decided to rewatch that before watching optigami and I pointed how proud Gabriel looks when audrey compliments Marinette on her hat design

Which made my brother think of an interesting idea. Back in season 1 Marinette was very interested in fashion design, and although that’s basically disappeared throughout the show it would’ve been interesting if that had actually been a plot point and played a role in the show. So In season one we see Marinette win a contest with her hat and Gabriel compliments it and seems impressed by it

What if she didn’t just win that competition, what if that had an actual impact on the show and plot? What if they added another episode in season one where Marinette once again does something, maybe wins another contest on fashion design and Gabriel recognizes her as the hat girl. Impressed by what she’s done so far and seeing potential he decides to take her on as a apprentice of sorts, she takes on the role of an intern, she helps Gabriel with things while also learning things about fashion. This would open the door to a very interesting dynamic

1. The idea of the hero and the villain both spending time together and learning from each other and forming a bond without even knowing who the other is an very interesting idea and dynamic

2. When the reveal does happen. When they learn who hawkmoth is it actually impacts BOTH characters. Marinette really doesn’t give a shit about Gabriel at this point and I know they’re going to make her sympathize with Gabriel whenever that reveals does happen but that doesn’t make sense. But if we go with this idea it absolutely makes sense. She would’ve bonded with him by that point and formed a connection with him so both Adrien and Marinette would have conflicted feelings and would be emotionally impacted and it would make sense

3. In every episode where Gabriel finds out who ladybug and chat noir are (before the time is reset or they go back in time and fix things) he goes “my son!! And… Some random girl! Ok!” There’s no emotional impact. If he has a connection to BOTH our heroes suddenly it’s a lot more emotional and he has more conflicting feelings about it

4. Instead of having Lila keep an eye on Adrien which makes no sense and was also dropped almost immediately after.

We can have Gabriel slowly manipulate marrinete (I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again I would love to see Gabriel be more manipulative and clever) into giving him information on Adrien

5. It helps the ship. Right now the two barely speak to each other or know each other. Adrien going “my love is also my best friend!” Doesn’t make sense right now. They’re not best friends they barely speak to each other. But if she’s always at his house we can have more scenes of them talking, maybe bonding over how cold Gabriel can be, her learning more about Adrien and comforting him when he’s sad and him talking to her when she gets stressed. It would give them common ground, stuff to talk about and a opportunity to make them more vulnerable and open up more to each other. So when the reveal does happen them both being happy and excited at finding out who it is makes sense from both of them.

6. We can see more of Gabriel and make him more sympathetic. We mostly see hawkmoth and we rarely get good scenes of Gabriel talking about his grief but if we have Marinette there it could make for some really good scenes of him at least starting to open up a little. Could make him a bit more sympathetic. We can have Marinette question why Gabriel is being so strict with Adrien and have Gabriel explain that while he knows it’s hard on Adrien, Adrien is all he has left so he can’t help but be strict and over bearing. Making him seem less like an asshole and more sympathetic making him a more complex villain.

The entire idea seemed great and opened up so many doors. But then we had ANOTHER idea!

Let’s stick with all of this. Marinette becomes Gabriel’s apprentice but let’s also say, the episode “wish maker” happened in season 2 instead of the season 4 and it takes a slightly different route. This time Adrien is still trying to figure out what he wants to be but at the end of the episode he’s talking to plagg and plagg makes some joke about how Adrien likes sweets and likes making people happy why not combine the two and become a baker? (This can also be plagg trying to set up marrinete and Adrien lol) he thinks about it and the episode ends. Next episode he’s asking Tom and Sabine if he can help them out and they feel bad, they know a bit about this kid’s home life since Marinette talks to them about it, so them being so caring, decide to give him a safe place after school to relax and just be himself and also teach him how to bake. He helps out around the bakery, cleaning and learning how to bake a bit. This once again provides opportunities for the show

1. It’s kind of symbolic that Marinette and Adrien lives are intertwined. Marinette becomes a part of Adrien’s life by working for his father, Adrien becomes a part of Marinette’s life by working for her parents

2. Once again gives them more to talk about and time to be together

3. At first I think Adrien would still try to be the perfect kid but after a while he feels he can be himself with this family and we see him acting more like chat, we see him making puns, being silly, cracking jokes. Then, again, when the reveal happens it’s not such a shock to Marinette cause at that point she can see them being the same person, and she’ll actually KNOW Adrien, not the persona he plays when he’s out of the mask, but all of Adrien. Making the relationship and reveal way more satisfying when it happens.

4. We Can have Adrien learn and develop and grow more. All he knows is toxicity. All he gets is shit advice. Imagine Tom and Sabine actually giving him advice and giving him a place to be open and vulnerable and learn from them and become a better person both as Adrien and chat noir

All in all I thought this was a great idea and would improve the show so much and if done well would solve the majority of the problems I have with the show. It would stop having Marinette be fucking creepy and putting him on a pedestal and allow her to actually talk to him, get to know him, and be friends with him. We could actually see some development. We could have them learning from the adults around them and we can see how your environment influences who you become. We could see more of Gabriel and actually get some development there. And it would also make for some great scenes.

Me and my brother were watching wish maker and just Imagine these scenes.

Except instead of Luka immidietly resetting the time, say he gets distracted, has to fight something off. They BOTH detransform and hawkmoth sees BOTH of them. He has adopted Marinette as a apprentice and formed a bond with her at this point and he finds out she’s ladybug and his son is chat noir. At this realization we see him have a mental breakdown and he starts to question if he should keep doing this. If it’s worth it. He loves his wife but is he willing to hurt two children he cares about and also loves? He begins to question this and he starts to realize, no it’s not worth it, Luka, unaware of this resets the time.

This makes an impactful scene, makes a sympathetic and complex character, and would’ve made a very emotional reaction from the audience (for this to work we’d also have to change chat Blanc.)

I don’t know I just feel like this would fix the majority of the flaws in the show. What do you guys think?

Hey miraculous fans!

So I’m assuming most of the people who see this will be miraculous fans since I do mostly do miraculous content and that’s my most popular stuff.

My brother and I are finally getting around to watching the lastest season of miraculous and we started talking about how Marinette mostly only talks about Adrien or Luka to her friends and those around her.

My brother started wondering if miraculous passes the Bechdel test.

Out of curiosity I ended up looking it up to see if anyone online had said whether it passes or not and saw that Thomas has an argument with a fan online

I have to agree with the fans, Thomas really reaching. And his excuse is “it’s about the romance” that’s his excuse for why Marinette only talks about Adrien but Adrien who’s also a main character and the love interest has a life outside of the romance. He has episodes that have nothing to do with romance and convos that have nothing to do with romance like that person pointed out, Adrien has had an episode of just him having fun with his friends but Marinette has not. Beside it’s also a teenage superhero show. Therefore it should have a variety of things to talk about. Again Adrien talks about things other than his crush. But marionette talks mainly about Adrien

But at the same time I figured I could be wrong I could be remembering things wrong it’s been a bit since I’ve been able to watch the show so I could be wrong. My brother realized the test would be based on an episode by episode basis. And by default they’re will be some episodes that fail the test because yea it is a romcom so as friends they should address the love interest. However i was wondering about the ratio of fail to pass because boys should not be the main thing they talk about.

We also wanted to compare the guys to the girls. How often does Adrien only talk about his romantic endeavours compared to Marinette? Is it fair? 50/50? Or at least pretty close?

So I wanted to put this up here and ask if any of you guys want to be in on this discussion and want to compare notes? You can just put down episode you think do or don’t pass for both Adrien and Marinette and why

I thought it’d be an interesting thing to discuss and interesting to see the results
