
I have a very dumb Venusmon and a very angry Sirenmon.Poor Aegiomon has to babysit them both.I went

I have a very dumb Venusmon and a very angry Sirenmon.
Poor Aegiomon has to babysit them both.

I went a little overboard putting in a background. Gomen.

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Got new characters in an RP, an Aegiomon named Hashmal and a Sirenmon named Ariana.

Little lassie is a very angry little Scot who takes no nonsense and has a fighting spirit despite being physically incapable of doing much besides scream.

Laddie is just the opposite, with miles of patience for the siren (and a Venusmon) and feels more like the babysitter of the group than the ‘youngest’.

Anyways have something new for once.
