

Invest in yourself

Dear Black women,

In order to secure a comfortable future, you must first invest in yourself.

Invest in your education and career.

Invest in your wellness, take care of your spiritual, physical, and mental health.

Invest your time doing things that bring you joy, peace and happiness.

Surround yourself with people who can advance your mindset, skills, network, and understanding of the world.

Be comfortable with being uncomfortable, that’s where amazing things happen.

Stretch yourself but don’t overdo it




Use each day as an opportunity to share your awesome talents with the world, your community, your family, and circle of friends.

Be encouraged

Be encouraging

Be empowered

Be empowering

Be inspired

Be inspiring

Be everything you want to be

But most of all, be YOU

Remain blessed Black Queens ❤️

Author - @iameriwa

Model - Crystal Renée @luvcrystalrenee
